Origin: a Latin derivative
meaning "Gift of the Earth."
There are virtually limitless combinations of aromatic essential oils to blend, with each blend bringing its own special benefits. And what better way to access those benefits than through a powerful diffuser? The Laluz Diffuser works wonders when it comes to elevating the atmosphere of your home.
This one-of-a-kind ultrasonic diffuser has up to eight hours of runtime and three ambient light settings to match whatever mood you’re in. Plus with its sleek, modern design, it’s sure to complement the aesthetic of any room in your house.
Yes! Essential oils are safe to diffuse, with many benefits for doing so. If, by a small chance, you experience an adverse reaction to diffused essential oils, turn off the diffuser and open a window. If you have any specific conditions or concerns, it’s always a good idea to consult your healthcare professional before essential oil use.
Essential oils have amazing properties, and diffusing them allows you to access these properties through smell. Depending on the essential oil you diffuse, you can purify the air in your home, maintain feelings of clear breathing and open airways, create an uplifting aroma, or minimize the effects of seasonal threats—all in a natural way.
Ultrasonic diffusers use water and electronic frequencies to create a fine mist out of essential oils. This type of diffuser is nice because it’s usually quiet, and it only uses a small amount of oil, which is great if you want to conserve your essential oils. Ultrasonic diffusers can also act as a diffuser and humidifier at the same time—perfect for use in a drier climate.
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