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Sleep Hygiene

Woman sleeping peacefully
Woman sleeping peacefully

Getting plenty of deep, restful sleep is vital to optimal wellness and vitality. There are a number of practices and routines you can follow that will influence your sleep in a positive way.

During the Day

For example, what you do during the day can help your sleep at night—starting with a consistent waking-up time. And once you’re awake, let in the light! Open windows and expose yourself to plenty of natural sunlight during the morning and throughout the day.

Exercise is also important. Ample activity during the day will help your body be ready for rest and sleep more soundly when the evening comes.

Turn off screens at least a half hour before bed. It is even better if you can turn off screens a couple of hours before bed! If this one is hard for you, consider keeping your cell phone in a different room. If it isn’t in your bedroom, you’ll be less likely to scroll in bed.

During the Evening

As bedtime approaches, help yourself wind down with a routine. Some ideas you can incorporate into your own bedtime ritual include journaling, reading, stretching, listening to soothing music, or diffusing an essential oil blend.

Create an environment that is inviting and conducive to sleep. This includes lighting, sound, and temperature. Lower the temperature in your home so it is a little cooler at night than during the day. If you have any little lights that twinkle or blink at you in your room, consider covering them with electrical tape or something else to help keep your bedroom nice and dark. Sound is also a consideration. Some people find that quiet white noise from a fan or app helps them sleep. Others don’t find it helpful, so figure out what works best for you.

Most people do not fall asleep the moment their head hits the pillow. Let yourself wind down and as you lie in bed, you might find it helpful to think about relaxing rather than sleeping. If sleep comes, wonderful. If not, that’s okay. Get back up. Walk around for a minute, get a drink of water, or try reading for a while. You can try to sleep again when you feel ready.

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