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Episode 36: Soothe Your Body with Essential Oils

In this episode, Veronique Golloher will talk about how you can use essential oils to soothe your body. She'll talk about your muscles, your emotions, as well as what you can do to stay relaxed throughout the day.


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All right. So I'm gonna get started, today we're going to be talking about how to stay relaxed throughout the day. And just to give you a little bit of an introduction of who I am and why I need to stay relaxed throughout the day, I'm a mom of four kids: 4, 7, 10, and 11. So they keep me busy they keep me on my toes and sometimes my cortisol level goes right up and I need some help. I would have loved to know doTERRA when I first became a mom because God knows I needed to stay relaxed throughout the day, but it came into my life a little bit later on in motherhood. 

So I live in Alliston in Ontario, Canada and I've been using essential oils for five years now. So I've kind of dabbled into the oils for quite a little bit, and I've tried pretty much everything. So I have my favorites now. And so what I want to do is just walk you through a typical day for me what I use to soothe my body, to stay relaxed, and just be my best self. Right? Because I'm constantly like I'm out and about constantly just helping people. People depend on me obviously as a mom. That's the thing. And then you have like your husband with you—your next child and, and so I have I have quite a bit of oils and products that help me just stay relaxed and just function my best. 

Using Essential Oils In Your Daily Routine

So typically, and again I say typically because it's not the same every day. I, although I am a little bit of creature of habit, I’m also very intuitive and I like to just listen to my intuition and somedays it's going to be in certain oil and another day it's gonna be another and the needs are different every day. Right? And there's quite a bit of oils that help soothe your emotions and help you stay relaxed when you feel stressed. There's lots of options out there. So some of it is what's gonna work for you and some of it is just taste. It's just your what you like as a scent as well. Right? So it's what's going to work for you. And sometimes even something that works, if you don't like the smell of it you're not likely to use it. So I'm going to give you a few options. 

Essential Oils for Morning

All right. So let's get started with the beginning of the day. What I like to do is just a tiny little bit of deep breathing. I don't have much time, as I said I have four kids, so I get up, and I have all the lunches to prepare and everyone to feed and dress. Right? And so, what I do for me is just like literally a couple minutes of deep breathing which helps just relax right from the get-go. But I like to do it with an essential oil. So that makes the breathing all the much more powerful. Because the chemicals in essential oils, those active ingredients those beautiful aromatic compounds, they send positive messages to our brain and they, depending on what you use it's going to tell your brain to, okay it's time to relax, now or it's time to be more grounded, now or it's time to feel happy now. 

So Wild Orange is a really good one to use in the morning to just lift up your mood. I'm typically one that is attracted to woodsy oils. So doTERRA Balance® is, is one of my faves. Just opening the bottle makes me happy. It's very grounding so that helps me not feel so flustered and not feel like all over the place and just be like, OK I got this. I can totally do this. 

And just as a practical tip, all I do, because I don't have time at all, I don't get fancy, okay, so just put a couple drops in my hand. I do this. Because when the time I usually start my diffuser is later on once the kids are off to school. So I just breathe in from my hands, just like that. And just that deep breathing with Balance, usually it’s Balance, it does send messages to your brain to be more grounded and just, here and now. And I got this. 

Morning Nutrition and Exercise

So I'm on with my day. I try to take my breakfast with my kids, and that's when I take my LLV which is key. It's the basics of health. You need to give your body the nutrition it needs to function optimally. So the doTERRA Lifelong Vitality Pack® that is non-negotiable, I never forget it. That is your vitamins, your minerals, your omega there's essential oils in there and your antioxidant in the Alpha CRS+® beautiful, beautiful supplements so important. I take those all the time and that helps me be the best I can be. 

Once I've done that I move my body and sometimes it's a HIIT workout, sometimes it's a hike in the woods, and moving your body is so important, and we know it's important for our physical health, but I think it's underestimated how important it is for mental health. I feel so much more relaxed once I've moved my body. You know the oils and supplements are fantastic but there's also other things that we need to do to be healthy to be the best we can be and moving, exercising is a super important one. 

Three Relaxing Flower Oils

So once I come back from that that's when I use my magical oil. Now it's not magic, okay. I am, I actually really, really love science, and I've read so much on every single one of these oils to really understand why I use them. Neroli is one of them. So all the flower oils and these three, I'm going to tell you, there are three flower oils, all the flower oils and very soothing, very relaxing, and that is true of every single flower. And now there are just scents I don't particularly care for like Helichrysum. So Helichrysum is one that I use on my skin but not typically to soothe my emotions and feeling relaxed. 

So an oil that I really like to use at that particular moment of the day is Neroli. So the Neroli in particular really helps lower stress levels and just make me feel happy. I really, really love the scent of it. It's amazing for emotional balance as well and really key as I said to lower stress level and really great as well for your central nervous system. So that's good for lowering stress level.

Magnolia is another one. Magnolia has a really high linalool content, actually higher than Lavender. So we know Lavender is relaxing and that is because of that compound in it that is really high. So linalool is about 30% in Lavender and it's at 70% in Magnolia. Magnolia is super relaxing. So I like to use it just like that on my neck. All the rollers, I just like to use them on my neck like that and on my wrists and if I want to really have that scent throughout the day as well, and I know I'm not going to have my rollers on me the whole day, I put it on my finger like this and I roll it on my diffuser bracelet here. You can get these little lava bead bracelets pretty much anywhere. I'm pretty sure Amazon has them but there's so many people that make them so. That is a great way to have your oils, your oils that can help you feel and relaxed and soothe your emotions throughout the day. And then you can be the crazy person that goes like this and smells your bracelet as you go about your day. 

So the next one is Rose. Rose is amazing for emotional balance. And that's one that I also use on my face. So that has a dual purpose. It's great for the skin and also soothes my emotions. 

Essential Oils for Exercise

So the next thing is the Deep Blue Rub. So Deep Blue, I prefer it in the rub format. It's amazing at soothing muscles and really helping with that discomfort when you worked out hard or sometimes it's just plain old inflammation. It really helps soothe that discomfort.

And another one that I use if my muscles tend to not want to release and just really cramp up and that often happens in my calves, Lemongrass. Lemongrass is great for that. So I just massage a few or a few drops of oils on maybe with carry oil and sometimes I mix it with Deep Blue and just give my calf a good massage and that helps the muscles stop cramping up. And what a gift that is to have that on hand at all times, and you don't have to run for that to the pharmacy for all of these things. I have I have it all on hand. 

AromaTouch® is also a great one to soothe muscles when I have my massage therapist come to my house. I know, I know. She's amazing. She puts Deep Blue Rub with AromaTouch all over my body. Mostly my back, but I feel so amazing after that. It helps the circulation and also you know speed up the healing in your body. 

Essential Oils for Evening and Bedtime

So in terms of being more relaxed throughout the day you have to you have a good night's sleep and that is something that's super important to me. I really make sure that I am in bed at a certain time and I get at least seven hours of sleep. You know, ideally, it would be more but things to do, people to see. So but at least if that seven hours can be the best it can be so I'm not spending a few hours awake in the middle of the night because my body just won't sleep. That doesn't happen. So that is important because you feel, you will feel more stressed out throughout the day and your cortisol level will be up if you have bad sleep. 

So my favorite oils for sleep. Vetiver, Cedarwood, and Petitgrain. I have it in all the diffusers a half an hour before bedtime. I have a roller bottle, and for the kids, I add a little bit of Roman Chamomile, smells yummy, just a drop or two because it has a really strong smell on its own, but just a drop or two in the roller bottle it smells really good and everyone sleeps well. I like to roll it on the spine for them. For me, I just like to put it on my wrists, under my feet, sometimes on my neck because I really like the smell of it. And I know I sound like I'm using a gazillion oils, which I am, but I can say I also use Jasmine at night. I roll it on my hand and then I rub it on my pillow and when I put my head on my pillow it's like [deep inhale] yeah that's literally how it feels. 

It really helps me have such a good sleep, I don't wake up all through the night anymore. I really used to, I was really light sleeper, and for no reason with no sound waking me up or nothing just waking up. So that really helps me have a deeper sleep and really get into that deep sleep that helps your body repair itself right. 

So that's basically what I do to soothe my body and relax, stay relaxed throughout the day and believe it or not that is a comment that I get quite often. Wow you look so relaxed for a mom of four. Well, I got oils for that! So thank you for listening.

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