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Episode 294: The Yarrow|Pom Revitalizing Eye Mask

In this episode we sit down with Susan Crivac, Master Esthetician and a member of the doTERRA product marketing team and Bekah Nixon, Vice President of Global Product Innovation for doTERRA, about the new Yarrow|Pom Revitalizing Eye Mask. They'll discuss what makes it so special, who should be using the Eye Mask, and more!

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If you're looking to pamper your skin, we have the perfect answer for you.

Welcome back to Essential Oil Solutions with dōTERRA. The podcast where you'll hear exciting, useful and simple everyday uses for essential oils from experts in the field.

This episode is brought to you by some brand-new products that are going to help you become your best self. Our probiotic products: the new PB Assist+® and PB Restore to support your gut and microbiome, as well as our dōTERRA Serenity® System, which includes the beloved dōTERRA Serenity Sleep Blend, the reformulated dōTERRA Serenity Softgels, now with tart cherry, and the brand-new dōTERRA Serenity Stick + Valerian, all created to support your optimal sleep.

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Today we're excited to talk to Susan Crivac, master esthetician and a member of the doTERRA Product Marketing team, and Bekah Nixon, vice president of Global Product Innovation for doTERRA, about the new Yarrow|Pom Revitalizing Eye mask.

doTERRA: Susan and Bekah, thank you so much for being here with us today.

Susan Crivac: Thanks for having us.

Bekah Nixon: Yeah, I'm excited to be here.

doTERRA: I am excited to talk about this product because we haven't had anything like it before. So, to start off, can you tell us a little bit about the Yarrow|Pom Rejuvenating Eye Mask?

Bekah: I would love to. We are obsessed with this product. I just have to get that out right now. We are so excited for everyone to try this because if you haven't tried Yarrow|Pom yet, this product is going to change your life and change your skin.

Now, the Yarrow|Pom Eye Mask, is a new skincare item and it's specifically designed for under the eyes, and it provides this targeted benefit to smooth and firm the skin. Another bonus with this product is it helps to reduce the fine lines and wrinkles. It's also packed with a lot of powerful bioactive compounds and it's infused with the benefits of Yarrow|Pom.

Now this is of, course, based off our cult favorite: the Yarrow|Pom Nutritive Duo. And what this is, is a potent blend of Yarrow essential oil and cold-pressed Pomegranate Seed Oil. And this product, alone, is just known for its skin rejuvenating properties.

So, a couple of other things that I want to point out is this mask is also infused with Argireline®. This is a unique peptide that is known for amazing results, according to the pre-clinical research that's been done on this. It also has caffeine, which helps reduce puffiness and dark circles. And it has Rose extract, which helps to increase skin elasticity.

The Argireline , though—like this is really cool—is a natural way to send messages to the skin that helps it to look younger, to act younger, and to reduce those fine lines and wrinkles. So, we love this ingredient.

doTERRA: That is incredible. So, it's basically just every single thing that you would want under your eyes.

Bekah: It truly is an incredible product. And, you know, Susan can touch on this just a little bit as a master esthetician. But the skin underneath the eyes is one of the thinner areas of the skin. And so, it requires unique formulations . . .

Susan: Extra care . . . yeah

Bekah: So, this really is novel and a novel approach to treating a specific part of the face that requires a little more special care. Right?

Susan: Yeah. Exactly.

doTERRA: Absolutely. I want to touch back on one of the ingredients in there and that's that Yarrow|Pom Nutritive Duo. Why did we choose that specifically to combine with an eye mask?

Bekah: When we are formulating we're always looking for synergy. “Where can we get the most bang for our buck?” And there are certain ingredients that, in nature, play well together. And so, we take those ingredients that play well in nature, and we put them into products because we know there's a synergistic effect. We look for multitaskers. Right, Susan?

Susan: Yeah.

Bekah: We want a product that's going to go in there and do a lot of jobs. And so, Yarrow|Pom made perfect sense to pair with these other ingredients so that we could look as refreshed and young as we feel.

doTERRA: And who doesn't want that?

Bekah: Right?

doTERRA: Now, Susan, again, as that master esthetician, who is this eye mask for? Who are the people that should be using this?

Susan: Everyone. Everyone needs this. It's suitable for anyone looking to address concerns. And like Becca touched on, it's going to help with the dark circles, puffiness, fine lines, and dryness around the eye area. So, it's just really giving it that targeted help.

doTERRA: Mhmm. And I think a big question that comes up with skincare, in general, is how often should I be doing different things? So, how often should people be using this mask?

Susan: Well, it's recommended to use twice a week. And you're going to really see the benefits after just one use, but the best effects that you're going to see are after you've used it for four weeks, using it twice a week.

doTERRA: That sounds like two to three little spa days a week, which is great. And how long should people be leaving this on when they are using it?

Susan: So, the eye mask should be left on for about 15 to 20 minutes to allow the skin to absorb the nourishing benefits of Yarrow|Pom blend and all the active ingredients.

doTERRA: That sounds so amazing, and it's nice that you can set aside that time. I think for yourself. So many people, we rush through our skincare, we try and get ready. There's all these five minute makeup routines, but it's nice to have that 15–20 minutes where you know you're just taking care of yourself. You're treating yourself to something a little luxurious.

Susan: Exactly.

Bekah: And if you don't have time, pro-tip: do it on the way to carpool.

doTERRA: Yeah.

Bekah: Right when you're taking the kids to school, be the mom with the blue eye patches underneath her eyes.

Susan: It's so Instagrammable, too.

Bekah: It is.

doTERRA: Absolutely, it is. I think the bottom line is, just take care of yourself.

Bekah: Right, take care of yourself. And I think skincare doesn't even have to feel like it should be . . . let's normalize taking great care of ourselves. I love how you said it doesn't have to be like a special occasion.

Susan: Yeah.

Bekah: Like, we're special enough.

doTERRA: Absolutely. Now, Becca, I want to go back to the Yarrow|Pom oil because it is such an incredible product. How can I pair that Yarrow|Pom Nutritive duo with the Eye Mask to get the best results for my skin?

Bekah: I'm going to share how I use it. One of my favorite ways to use the Yarrow|Pom is after I've done the majority of my skincare. So, wash, tone, serums . . . Yarrow|Pom is one of those products that you can use to just kind of seal everything in. So, you're going to get a lot of benefits just from using it, but you're also going to lock in all those other ingredients that you've just put on to your face. So, it's almost like an insurance policy. I love Yarrow|Pom for that.

And you just put a couple of drops—one to two, depending on the area that you're treating on your face—and you can massage it in.

You can also cocktail it with other oils, so keep that in mind. It's the perfect product to cocktail with. So, you go ahead and you just put it on your skin and then you just can apply the Eye Masks afterwards, if you know you're going to do them together.

But you don't need to put the Yarrow|Pom directly on the area that you're treating with the eye masks. So, they're not intended to be layered, if that makes sense.

doTERRA: Absolutely. And I want to dive a little deeper there. Where is it that this Eye Mask should fall in the order of my skincare routine?

Susan: So, in terms of the skincare routine, the Eye Mask should be put on after you have cleansed face. So, clean your face at night before applying anything heavy. So, before your serums, before your moisturizers. And then that's going to really allow the active ingredients to soak into that eye area and really penetrate the skin effectively. And then you're going to feel rejuvenated.

doTERRA: Amazing. I have loved learning all of this. This has been so incredible. But before we end, is there anything else that either of you would like to share about what really makes this Yarrow|Pom Eye Mask so special?

Bekah: I think we should talk really quickly about the delivery.

Susan: Yeah, let’s do that.

Bekah: Okay, so one of the things that makes this product so different in the industry is that a lot of eye masks, they use this gel substrate. And we are always looking for ways to be more sustainable, to be more earth friendly, and also to be very conscious of everything we're putting on our skin and our bodies.

And we discovered this biodegradable material that is made from—well, it's actually called bio cellulose, and it's used in the medical industry. It's a really incredible material. And the best part is it's biodegradable. So, it's good for you and the planet, and it holds three times its weight, which means we can get more solution delivered to your skin than any other eye mask material on the market.

doTERRA: That's incredible.

Bekah: So, nothing else compares to this product.

doTERRA: That is so incredible. And I love that doTERRA is always looking for that innovation, looking for a better way to do what's already been done, looking for new things. It's just such a refreshing thing to see in a company that they're really just trying to take care of their customers, but also the planet and everyone on it.

Bekah: Definitely. It's a part of our DNA, it's a part of our brand promise. And we have a commitment to deliver on that every day and in every product that we create.

Susan: Mhm.

doTERRA: Absolutely. Thank both of you so much for taking the time to sit down to discuss this incredible product. I hope everyone is able to get their hands on it and really experience the luxury.

Susan: Thanks so much for having us.

Bekah: I can't wait for everyone to try it.

doTERRA: Thanks for joining us and congratulations on living a healthier lifestyle with essential oils. If you want to try any of the products you learned about, click on the link in the episode description or find a Wellness Advocate near you to place an order today.

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