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Meet the Women of doTERRA Corporate

man presenting to a group of people
doTERRA Building

As a part of our International Women’s Day as a yearlong celebration we had the opportunity to hear from corporate women leaders. We asked these women several questions to hear their thoughts and how they could empower and enlighten other dōTERRA employees. They gladly offered their teachings, advice, and experiences during their tenure working with dōTERRA. The following questions were asked of them, and these women provided their insights.

When asked to finish the statement “I stay at dōTERRA because ” these were their responses:

“I stay at dōTERRA because I enjoy what I do every day and mostly, the people I get to see and talk to everyday. I care deeply about the people in my team. I want to make sure they enjoy their work, and that they feel seen, respected and cared for.” - Director of Software Engineering in the International IT department

“I stay at dōTERRA because of our culture. We foster an environment of growth and respect.” - Director of Member Services

“I stay at dōTERRA because they are a great company with core values that I can be proud to represent.” - Director of Global Inventory and Business Process

“I stay at dōTERRA because not only do we give people pure and potent essential oils but we are a company that takes care of people on both sides of the bottle. We are making such an incredible positive impact in lives of many people through our sourcing processes and our Healing Hands Foundation. It is so rewarding to be a part of it.” - Business Development Director

We then asked these women about who they look up to or have learned from any point of time.

“My supervisor is someone I look up to, and he has guided me and led me to become a better person. He has given me a lot of freedom to speak my mind and use my strengths. When I make mistakes, he patiently guides me and gives me room to improve. He is a prime example of leadership.” - Business Development Director of North America Chinese Language Market

“My supervisor has been a role model for me (and many others) in my journey. He is patient and kind, but challenges my thinking and provides feedback for me to continuously grow and improve.” - Director of IT Customer Care

We were also interested in hearing about the contributions these women have made during their time at dōTERRA. They shared the following major accomplishments:

“The thing I am most proud of is how everybody that came from InfoTrax with the acquisition, adjusted beautifully to their new work environment. This was largely due to how welcoming everybody at dōTERRA was.” - Director of Software Engineering in the International IT department

“I am really proud of how my team navigated the realities of the pandemic. Obviously in-person events had to go away for a while, but there was still a need for connecting and education. One project in particular I’m most product of is “dōTERRA Home”—which was the interactive video platform, choose-your-own-adventure journey of using dōTERRA products in every room of your house. It was a really satisfying project we were able to execute in a fun, artistic, unexpected way.” - Senior Director of Global Events

“For the first several months after the acquisition I was in charge of managing process consistency across the international team in IT. I also led key efforts, including the Europe e-commerce rollout. Both were extremely successful and helped to propel my career here at dōTERRA.” - Director of IT Leader Care & Commissions.

“The most recent one, which continues to be ongoing, is what we are doing with the situation in Ukraine. At the beginning of the conflict there, it was really heartening to see our European Wellness Advocates and local staff jump into action and start finding places where dōTERRA Healing Hands could make an impact. Then having Wellness Advocate and dōTERRA staff globally donate over $1 million total to support those needs was beyond amazing.”- Director of Global Philanthropy

We asked these strong women about any advice they would give to those who are first starting out in their careers. This is what they shared:

“Change is good. If you are not changing, you are not growing. Continue to learn and do things that maybe you don’t want to do. People see value in hard work and will reward you for it.” - Director of International Development.

"Be curious, stay open to learning. Work hard but use your time productively. Strive for a balanced life. Give it all while at work but never forget about your own wellbeing.” - Director of Software Engineering in the International IT department.

“Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Most people fear they’ll make a mistake, but this is a time when you can gain a vast amount of knowledge, especially from those who have been in their careers for a while. If you don’t understand an assignment or a decision that’s been made, simply ask. You may be surprised by what you learn and even use those learnings in your career down the road.” - Vice President of Public Relations

“I love that one of the dōTERRA Core Values is ‘Be Curious.’ When I was first starting my career, I didn’t know exactly what I wanted to do in the long term. I had a job that was ok, but it wasn’t challenging or filling my need to be creative. I got my first chance to work with an events team because I started to get curious about what they were doing. So, I encourage you to get to know people in fields or departments that interest you, find a career path that challenges you in a good way, push yourself to engage, and stay curious!” - Senior Director of Global Events

“Recognize every step is important in the journey. Each role, assignment, challenge, and experience contributes to who we become. - Director of Member Services

“Listen to Learn. You will receive advice from many different departments and levels of personnel. The more you can listen, learn, and not be afraid to answer questions the more you can help to impact the company for the better in the future. We are all on team dōTERRA!” - Director of Global Inventory and Business Process

“Fight for what you want. Don’t back down. Work hard and it will show. If you know what you want, go for it, and don’t let anything get in your way!” - Director of IT Leader Care & Commissions

“Care about yourself and others in every step of your journey. Add value. Leave things better than you found them. Invest in yourself by looking for ways to continuously improve. Don’t be afraid to stretch yourself. Patience will sometimes be needed to get where you are hoping to go, but as you build those around you and continue to deepen your skillset things will fall into place. Be open to new ideas and possibilities you hadn’t before considered.” - Director of IT Customer Care

“Set future career goals, but also be prepared to pivot! Life happens and so do things in your career. I’ve learned that being adaptable is an important skill.” - Director of Global Philanthropy

We thought it would be fun to get to know our women leaders outside of dōTERRA. We asked them, “What does your life look like outside of dōTERRA?”

“I am a foodie and whenever I travel, finding yummy restaurants is super important. I have been practicing aerial silk for 3 years and it is absolutely one of my favorite things to do!” - Business Development Director of North America Chinese Language Market

“I start most of my days at my Crossfit gym. It’s my home away from home, and the best sport ever! I’m a mom to a 3-year-old (with another girl on the way any day), which is truly my greatest accomplishment; and I LOVE being a mom.”” - Director of IT Leader Care & Commissions

At dōTERRA, one of the visions is to “Help the World Heal.” With this spotlight on the amazing corporate leaders, we are able to see how these women contribute to helping the world heal. They are empowered and experienced, and strive to do their best with those they work with.

dōTERRA thanks these women for all the expertise and advice they bring to helping dōTERRA complete their mission and vision. As you commit to celebrating International Women’s Day year-round, how can you honor and appreciate the women that are in your life making a change?

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