Origin: a Latin derivative
meaning "Gift of the Earth."
Want to reach Diamond? Diamond Club is your opportunity to ignite your doTERRA business and grow your team. It allows you to meet new people, form personal connections, and establish new leaders, while continuing to support and build your existing team. There is a special kind of magic that happens when people feel connected, and that’s what Diamond Club is all about. It fosters connection and provides support as you build a strong team and community.
When you work at the level required for Diamond Club each month, the payoff is big. Your team, customer base, and relationships will grow because graduating from Diamond Club means you successfully lit a fire within your team.
Diamond Club is all about connecting with prospects, teaching classes, and enrolling new customers. The program offers both special enrollment incentives and a monthly bonus, provided collectively by upline Sponsors when participants meet monthly requirements. These benefits allow you to develop new leadership skills and offset the financial investment needed for rapid growth.
Diamond Club is a unique opportunity to ignite your dōTERRA business and grow your team in a concentrated time frame. It allows you to meet new people, form personal relationships, and establish new leaders while continuing to support and build your existing team. There is a special kind of magic that happens when people feel connected, and that’s what Diamond Club is all about: providing opportunities to build a strong team and community, as well as reach advancement goals.
When you work each month at the level required to graduate from Diamond Club, the payoff can be big. Your team, customer base, and relationships will grow because you successfully lit a fire that empowers lasting success.
If you complete the monthly requirements, your team and business will grow. Period. You’ll increase your customer base, find new builders, and be able to focus on retention. When you participate in Diamond Club, your efforts are maximized for creating a thriving business. The more you put in, the more you get out.
When done correctly, Diamond Club is the match that starts a bonfire of growth for your entire organization. Your goal during Diamond Club is to help your team reach their goals. Let your passion for your business ignite theirs; growth is inevitable when you work together.
Diamond Club is a fun and rewarding competition that includes a monthly bonus and prizes for the top-performing graduates. Winning is based on points earned for enrollments, rank advancements, and product sales with LRP orders.
Want to participate but don’t have all the details? Not sure how to succeed in Diamond Club? We created the Diamond Club Guide just for you. The guide has all the information you need for a successful Diamond Club season so you can build your business like never before.