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Diamond Club

Diamond Club Qualifications

Is Diamond Club Right for You?

Thinking about joining Diamond Club 2024? Whether you’re a Diamond club veteran or it’s your first year, we think it’s your year to commit.

Does this sound like you? “I want to...”

Establish new builders.
Reach rank advancement goals.
Make more money.

If you’re nodding, you’re in the right place! Diamond Club will put you on the path to advance in rank. Finding builders might seem daunting, but we’ve seen countless leaders just like you surpass their own expectations.

Are you ready to create the momentum your business needs? Diamond Club helps you:

Identify key builders within your organization.
Share the business opportunity in a compelling way.
Create momentum for lasting success.

How to Qualify to Participate in Diamond Club

Gold to Platinum Wellness Advocates can participate in Diamond Club when they meet the following qualifications during a qualification month. Qualifications need to be completed in the US and Canada.

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Achieve Gold through Platinum rank.

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Personally enroll three new Wellness Advocates or Wholesale Customers with single 100 PV enrollment orders.

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Find three approved sponsors.

You also need to be invited to participate in Diamond Club by a Gold rank or above upline, who counts as one of your three approved sponsors and acts as your mentor. Visit the mentor and sponsor page for more information.

A person holding a blender bottle

Early Bird Incentive

Be among the first! The first 500 applicants to submit by July 1 and get approved will receive a special prize. Don't miss this exclusive perk!

If you’re interested in nominating people from your team to participate in Diamond Club, you can find a link to do so during the nomination period on the Team App, in Diamond Club marketing emails, by contacting the Diamond Club team, or through your account manager.

Exciting Updates to the Monthly Requirements for the 2024 Season!

  1. Starting this season, the requirement to record three monthly classes has been removed. Because the class recording requirements are now removed, you are no longer required to add attendees to your Diamond Club dashboard if they use your unique promo code to enroll. This change was made to help alleviate the administrative stress brought on by requiring participants to add classes and attendees to their dashboards.
    • Adding your promo code to your new enrollee’s orders is now more important than ever! Not only are you ensuring your new enrollee gets their free product, but your promo code will be what our system uses to link the new enrollment to your Diamond Club account, to give you credit.
    • If someone enrolls without using your code, you will have to manually add the enrollment information to your dashboard and contact the Diamond Club team about getting the enrollment approved and promotional item sent out.
  2. Another exciting update is the re-defining of a class for Diamond Club, or in other words, when you can share your promo code! Now, anyone that you have a connection with, will be eligible to apply your promo code to their enrollment order.

What is a Connection?

  • A connection is an action performed by you, the participant, that influenced someone to enroll with you, or your team member with a qualifying enrollment order of 100 PV.
  • A connection can take many forms. They can be formal classes, text blasts, one-on-ones, a phone call, a video you shared, a social media post, and so much more! If you connected with a potential enrollee in some way about doTERRA products, that counts!

How Do Promo Codes Work with Connections?

  • Promo Codes are and remain a valuable part of our program. With this new definition of connections, we want to emphasize that your promo code cannot be shared or posted online publicly. This rule is to ensure the exclusivity of our incentives to Diamond Club participants and their teams. (Codes can be shared privately in Direct Messages from interest on a broader post).

How Can Your Promo Code Be Shared?

  • You can share your promo code through texts and direct messages, in person classes, virtual classes, and training videos.

  1. The long-awaited universal promo code is now available, which means your single unique promo code can be used on enrollments in the US and Canada markets! Your promo code can also now be used on orders above and under 100 PV. Although enrollments under 100 PV won’t qualify for the free promos or as one of your required 12-14 team enrollments, they can still give you some Diamond Club points, so be sure to add your promo code to every enrollment you get!

Diamond Club Requirements and Guidelines

Monthly Participant Requirements

Each participant must meet the following requirements every month to continue being part of Diamond Club and qualify for the monthly bonus and end-of-season prizes.

  • Team Enrollments
    • Enroll 12 new team members, with two being personal; during the first month.
    • Enroll 14 new team members, with two being personal each month following.
  • All enrollments need to be processed within 5 days from when the connection was made.

What Are the Benefits of Diamond Club?

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Monthly Cash Bonus

Each participant who meets the monthly qualifications will receive a $300 bonus, which can be used to help cover costs associated with meetings, incentives, personal expenses, and so on. Your sponsors and doTERRA will split the monthly cash bonus.

New Member Perks

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doTERRA offers special product promotions during Diamond Club for new members who make their first purchase from a Diamond Club class. The product promotions are the same throughout the season.

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New members who place a 100–199 PV single enrollment order will receive one product incentive. New members who place a 200 PV or more single enrollment order will receive two product incentives.

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New team enrollees who process a 100 PV or more loyalty order in the first two months immediately following their enrollment month will receive 25 product points per order. The product points will appear around the fifteenth of the month following their loyalty order.

Earning Points

Rank Advancement

  • 100 points: New Blue Diamond rank
  • 80 points: New Diamond rank
  • 60 points: New Platinum rank
  • 40 points: New Gold rank

New Members’ Initial Orders

New Member Enrollments

  • 1 point: Crossline enrollment with 1 PV or more
  • 1 point: New team enrollment with 1–49 PV
  • 3 points: New team enrollment with 50–99 PV
  • 4 points: New team enrollment with 100 PV or more
  • 3 points: Personal enrollment
    • A downline team enrollment of 100 PV that’s also a personal enrollment would receive 7 Diamond Club points.

To receive personal enrollment points, the enrollment must be processed with a single 100 PV or more order.

Loyalty Rewards Program

Points Earned from New Team Members’ First 2 Months on LRP

  • 2 points: 1–49 PV LRP
  • 4 points: 50–99 PV LRP
  • 8 points: 100 or more PV LRP

Points are only awarded for loyalty orders placed in the two months immediately following enrollment.
LRP points are only awarded to Diamond Club participants during the active season.
LRP points aren’t awarded for crossline loyalty orders.

Prizes Coming Soon!

Diamond Club Participant to-do list
Diamond Club Participant to-do list

Diamond Club Schedule

Mentor and Sponsor Guidelines and Information

Is Being a Diamond Club Mentor or Sponsor Right for You?

Ready to unlock your mentor potential? To build a stronger team and identify leaders who are ready for Diamond Club success?

We know you want to:

Build a stronger team.
Feel on track with your business.
Increase revenue.

Have you been thinking, Is there anyone willing to go on this journey with me? We hear you! In the last couple years, your business has faced challenges, and you’ve felt that burden on multiple levels. You’re working hard but not seeing the results you want.

You’re asking yourself, Is now the right time to take on the extra responsibility of mentoring? Will the results be worth it?

We get it! That’s why Diamond Club in 2024 is focused on mentors. We have a simple three-step system to help you:

Identify promising builders for Diamond Club.
Leverage Diamond Club support and resources to mentor, guide, and lead participants.
Cultivate strong leaders within your team.

Mentors with the right mindset link arms with their team and never look back. They set themselves and their team up for success as they progress and reach higher business goals.

Become a Diamond Club mentor today and experience a profound shift as you transition from stagnation to forward momentum. Empower yourself as a true doTERRA leader who’s capable of duplicating success and catalyzing growth. Your contagious energy and example can light the way to an incredible year for your team.

Don’t wait any longer—Diamond Club 2024 is your time to shine!

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What’s the Difference Between a Mentor and a Sponsor?

A sponsor is a Wellness Advocate who partners with doTERRA to help participants be successful in Diamond Club and contributes financially to the monthly bonus.

Each participant must have three sponsors. One of these sponsors is a mentor. Mentors play an essential role in the leadership duplication cycle. Mentors take primary responsibility for teaching skills, developing action plans, and guiding the participant to success.

This support may include holding accountability calls, helping with class preparations, facilitating class follow-ups, attending or teaching classes when possible, educating on scheduling and timeblocking, and offering any other necessary support to ensure the participant’s success in the season (and beyond).

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How to Qualify to Be a Diamond Club Mentor or Sponsor

Wellness Advocates who are willing to help financially support, train, and guide participants and build their team toward their next rank advancement are the perfect candidates.

The mentor and sponsors must log into their Diamond Club accounts and accept the requests for a participant’s application before being admitted to the program.

The mentor must be the Gold or above upline who invited the Wellness Advocate to apply. For example, if a qualified Gold or above leader invites five people from their team to apply, the Gold or above leader must mentor all those participants.

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Financial Contribution

Mentor and sponsors split the $300 monthly bonus with doTERRA. doTERRA will pay 50% and the mentor and sponsors will pay 50%. Money is automatically pulled from the primary commission checks and redistributed to the qualified participant to simplify the process for all involved.

Benefits of Being a Diamond Club Mentor or Sponsor

Wellness Advocates who sponsor leaders in Diamond Club partner with doTERRA to develop leaders on the sponsor’s team and encourage enrollments and rank advancement. Sponsors see increased Fast Start when team members participate, as well as long-term growth in unilevel commissions.

One of the best investments leaders can make is back into their builders.

Mentor Prizes

The top three mentors are invited to attend an exclusive Diamond Club Sourcing Trip.

Mentors may select to buy one additional spot. Mentors are responsible for travel costs for themselves and additional guests.

Women at a birch sourcing event
Diamond Club Mentor to-do list
Diamond Club Mentor to-do list

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