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1. Connect with People Authentically and Sincerely

Refer to people by name. Ask questions and listen to discover their interests and needs. Be authentic and build relationships of trust. Uniquely connect with new friends and those you already know. 

Someone you already know:

“How are you? How is your family? OR Catch me up. What’s going on in your life? I saw your post about your child not feeling well. How are you both holding up?" (customize for existing contacts)

Someone New: 

People love talking about themselves. Ask questions about areas of their life that you think they will be excited to talk about. Find common ground and be relatable when you meet someone new. 

2. Connect Those People to Your Solutions

Share a solution by looking for ways to add value and naturally match your solutions of product or business to their needs.

Someone you already know:

“You know how it seems like so many people are into natural wellness these days? It seems more and more important to eat better, exercise more, get quality sleep, and get rid of toxic products around the house. Is that pretty much how you are as well? What kinds of things are you doing with your family? What do you know about essential oils?”

“Seriously, essential oils are rocking my world, I can’t keep this to myself! You’ve got to check this out. Have you ever tried any? This is what someone did for us. We would love to give you a little something to try for a health priority you want to target. Then we just check back with you in a couple days to see how it’s working.”

Someone New: 

Get to know someone new. Ask questions about their work so you can customize your response and be relatable. Whatever they say, see it as someone you can or already have worked with. "I work with moms and teach them how to take care of their family naturally using essential oils and other products." OR "I work with chiropractors and teach them to create an additional stream of income in their office by sharing with their clients how to live a wellness lifestyle with essential oils." IF you need to go first, “It’s actually pretty amazing. I love what I do…. What do you do?”

3. Connect to a Presentation

Here are some ways to invite to learn more at different events. Refer to the Share guide for additional guidelines.


“Hi ___________, do you have a second? Great, I just have a second myself; but I’m calling my health-conscious friends and setting up a 30-minute visit to go over their health goals, suggest a few cool tips using essential oils and other natural products, and then show the most popular options. If you end up finding things you want to try for you or your family, that’s great. If not, that is totally OK. Is that something you are open to exploring? Great! Is tomorrow at 1:00 or Thursday evening at 7:00 better for you?”


“I’ve been learning about essential oils and they are making a huge difference for me and my family. We use them for everything; sleep, more energy, immune boosting, non-toxic cleaning; you name it! I know at your house you have struggled with __________ (e.g. kids seasonal challenges, tension) and I thought of you! I am teaching a short health workshop and I’d love for you to be my personal guest. It’s at my house Thursday at 7:00 or we can meet together next week. What works best for you?”


“I know you said you were interested in _________ (topic). If I Sent you access to a webinar about ____________ (topic) would you watch it?”

Lifestyle Overview

“I want to make sure you know how to use your new products and maximize your rewards. Our next step is to set up a quick call to make your wishlist, show you how to order, and give you the best tips and tricks on how to get the most free product. It takes about 30-40 minutes. The goal is for you to be able to order on your own anytime you like. How does that sound to you? Great! I have Wednesday at 1:00 or Thursday evening after dinner open. Which is better for you?”

Business Overview

There are three ways that I support my customers on their doTERRA journey. The first way is to help you learn how to use the products, get more education, and refer friends who are interested in attending a class. 

The second way is to help get your products paid for and maybe even create some fun money by sharing doTERRA with those you love.

And the third way is for those who say, “I know it’s important to have multiple streams of income and I’m passionate about natural health. I would love to be able to create a business doing this part time from home.”

“So, which one of those three ways is the best way for me to support you?”

When they say number two or number three, say, “I set aside time each week to share what that looks like. I have Tuesday at 7:00 and Thursday at noon. Which one works best for you?”

Help People Say Yes

1. Be clear on what you are inviting them to (e.g. class to discover solutions for health concerns).

2. Let them know the value of investing their time.

3. Give to options that can work for the (e.g. class or one-on-on).

4. Strengthen relationships, build trust through multiple interactions, and keep your word.



