dōTERRA | Israel - Leadership 2024

June 20, 2024

Balance is not something you find; it's something you create.

Balance is maintaining the desired ratio in giving space to everything in life, emotions, needs, commitments, and tasks. Everything has and needs to have its place. Balance cannot be constant or static because it contradicts its essence. Balance is dynamic, it changes all the time, and adjusts itself to environmental conditions and situations, to what is happening around us. The infinite movement of going out of balance and returning to it will continue to happen all the time.
What is the right balance for me between work and personal life? 
What is the right balance between giving to others and giving to myself? 
How do you fit everything in the right dosage into life? What is the balance in the way we manage time and define time slots that match everything?
Date of the BALANCE Leadership: June 20, 2024
Location: " Na Laga’at" Center at Jaffa Port, Tel Aviv
"Na Laga’at" is a unique non-profit cultural and arts center in the world, serving as a meeting place between deaf-blind people and the public. A space where an egalitarian dialogue takes place, promoting the needs and aspirations of every person, based on the belief that all human beings are equal, and everyone has the right to take upon themselves the obligation to contribute to society.
Time: 16:00 – 21:00
Purpose: Building and strengthening the foundations of your business, while maintaining a life of well-being and harmony.
Gathering and reception of participation gift
Opening words from dōTERRA Israel leadership
dōTERRA Israel’s leaders - Meet the Diamonds of dōTERRA Israel:
Orly and Jude Saar, Lena and Yuval Levi, Rivka Saba, Galia Furmansky, Anastasia and Neta Lempert
Guest lecture on how to increase the number of people attending the webinar:
Lecturer: Dorit Singer
Guest lecture on Productivity in the age of distraction - how to strengthen focus and achieve results
Lecturer: Idit Moshe
Evening meal and dessert tastings in the dark accompanied by the " Na Laga’at" center team
Ceremony of awarding certificates and acknowledgments to leaders
Price: 180 ₪
SKU: 2987
The ticket can be purchased through your personal office – under the special offers category – while supplies last.
Make sure to have the order number where you purchased the ticket with you – this will be your entry ticket to the event.
There is a limit of 2 tickets per account.
The doTERRA Israel event is designed to help you get closer to your long-term business and wellness goals. At the event, you will find pure, reliable products that can meet your needs, tools to help you elevate your business to the next level, and connections with like-minded individuals to receive support and fulfill your aspirations.
More details will be shared closer to the event date, but if you're already eager to confirm your participation, register now!

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