- 強效的清潔和淨化劑
- 支持健康的免疫功能*
- 提振身心"
透過冷壓果皮提取,野橘精油是 doTERRA 最暢銷的精油之一,因其具有振奮人心的香氣和多種健康益處。*
野橘精油富含天然化學成分檸檬烯,具有刺激和淨化的特性,使其成為支持健康炎症反應的理想選擇,當內服使用時。* 它還可作為日常家用表面清潔劑。
透過冷壓果皮提取,野橘精油是 doTERRA 最暢銷的精油之一,因其具有振奮人心的香氣和多種健康益處。*
野橘精油富含天然化學成分檸檬烯,具有刺激和淨化的特性,使其成為支持健康炎症反應的理想選擇,當內服使用時。* 它還可作為日常家用表面清潔劑。
Wild Orange Essential Oil | Behind the Bottle: Episode 16
Have you ever wondered where your bottle of Wild Orange essential oil comes from? Join us as we journey to Brazil and learn about this citrus oil!
內服:以4盎司/ 118毫升的水稀釋飲用。
可能會引起肌膚過敏。放置處應遠離孩童。懷孕、哺乳或接受治療者,請先諮詢醫師再使用。避免接觸眼睛、內耳等敏感部位。使用後 12 小時內請遠離陽光或紫外線照射。
內服:以4盎司/ 118毫升的水稀釋飲用。
可能會引起肌膚過敏。放置處應遠離孩童。懷孕、哺乳或接受治療者,請先諮詢醫師再使用。避免接觸眼睛、內耳等敏感部位。使用後 12 小時內請遠離陽光或紫外線照射。
Discover what makes this citrusy, sweet essential oil so special and one of the bestselling doTERRA products.
We sit down with Samantha Lewis to talk about how essential oils can create a relaxing environment when used aromatically and help promote relaxation when used internally.* We also explore the history of Wild Orange Oil.
The refreshing, sweet scent of Wild Orange essential oil makes it popular for aromatic and topical use, while its citrus flavor can add extra zing to any beverage, appetizer, or entrée.
Whether you want to make the perfect weekend breakfast for your family or brighten someone’s day with some tasty home-baked goodness, these cinnamon rolls with Wild Orange are just what you need.