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Island Mint Oil Image Island Mint Oil Image


Island Mint Essential Oil

Island Mint Essential Oil


與沁涼島嶼複方精油(Island Mint)一起,無論是在舒適的家中或是身處何處,都可以帶領您進入夢想中的熱帶綠洲。 這款複方精油的熱帶氣息令人耳目一新,可以有效營造出積極和幸福的感覺。 檸檬和萊姆精油的經典香甜氣息的結合,加上新鮮的薄荷和獨特的雲杉精油為此複方所帶來的深層香氛,沁涼島嶼複方精油中的這些配方在調配後達到了完美平衡,旨在帶給您休息放鬆和煥發活力的感覺。其平靜情緒,卻振奮身體的香氣,讓您在一天中需要一點舒適和能量時,可以使用沁涼島嶼複方精油給自己一點鼓勵和放鬆。 通過擴香沁涼島嶼複方精油,您可以將任何環境轉變為陽光明媚的綠洲天堂。

容量: 15毫升
產品編號: 60208851
零售價: $38.00
會員價: $28.50


與沁涼島嶼複方精油(Island Mint)一起,無論是在舒適的家中或是身處何處,都可以帶領您進入夢想中的熱帶綠洲。 這款複方精油的熱帶氣息令人耳目一新,可以有效營造出積極和幸福的感覺。 檸檬和萊姆精油的經典香甜氣息的結合,加上新鮮的薄荷和獨特的雲杉精油為此複方所帶來的深層香氛,沁涼島嶼複方精油中的這些配方在調配後達到了完美平衡,旨在帶給您休息放鬆和煥發活力的感覺。其平靜情緒,卻振奮身體的香氣,讓您在一天中需要一點舒適和能量時,可以使用沁涼島嶼複方精油給自己一點鼓勵和放鬆。 通過擴香沁涼島嶼複方精油,您可以將任何環境轉變為陽光明媚的綠洲天堂。

容量: 15毫升
產品編號: 60208851


  • Island Mint essential oil blend provides an uplifting, invigorating aroma. 
  • Island Mint oil blend creates an ideal environment for renewal and clarity.  
Island Mint Oil Image


  • Island Mint essential oil blend provides an uplifting, invigorating aroma. 
  • Island Mint oil blend creates an ideal environment for renewal and clarity.  


  • Lime Essential Oil
  • Lemon Essential Oil
  • Peppermint Essential Oil
  • Black Spruce Essential Oil
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Lime Essential Oil

Lime essential oil is cold-pressed from the rinds of Key lime fruits and is sourced in Brazil. The Key lime is a hybrid citrus that can be successfully grown in most areas where there’s no winter frost. While all varieties of lime share similar properties, Key limes are highly desired for their strong, robust flavor and zesty fragrance, which stem from a higher acidity compared to other limes.

Lime essential oil is refreshing and energizing in both aroma and taste. The citrusy aroma can be diffused to help freshen the air. It’s also an effective natural surface cleaner.

Lemons image Lemons image

Lemon Essential Oil

Unmistakably fresh and familiar, CPTG Certified Pure Tested Grade® Lemon essential oil offers many benefits and applications.

Most of the lemons sourced for Lemon essential oil are from the island of Sicily. Lemons in Italy can grow to be the size of softballs, thriving in the warm climate and fertile soil.

The essential oil comes from the fruit peel. Like many other citrus oils, Lemon is a byproduct of the fresh fruit industry. Fresh lemons that can’t be sold to the fresh market because of bruising or other aesthetic deficiencies are pressed for juice and essential oil, which are later separated. The juice and oil provide a dual use for leftover fruit.

Peppermint Leaf image Peppermint Leaf image

Peppermint Essential Oil

The peppermint plant is a hybrid of water mint and spearmint that was first described by Carl Linnaeus in 1753. A high menthol content—like that found in the doTERRA Peppermint essential oil—distinguishes the best quality Peppermint oil from other products. The sharp, sweet scent of Peppermint essential oil can create an exhilarating environment during physical activity.

Because of its high menthol content, Peppermint oil may be soothing when used in a massage.

Black Spruce Black Spruce

Black Spruce Essential Oil

Black Spruce essential oil is steam-distilled from the needles and branches of the Picea mariana tree. It contains high amounts of the chemical constituent bornyl acetate, which provides a calming aroma.

Black spruce trees thrive in cold, northern boreal forests of the US, Canada, and the Artic. They’re mainly harvested for the lumber, pulp, and paper industries.

The forest ministry has designed a forest management plan for harvesting black spruce trees. doTERRA and our key sourcing partner adhere to this plan, harvesting black spruce responsibly and sustainably.


  • Diffuse Island Mint essential oil blend throughout the day to create an uplifting environment. 
  • Place a few drops of Island Mint oil blend on diffuser jewelry for a refreshing aroma. 
  • Use on long road trips.
  • Diffuse Island Mint essential oil blend on long road trips to brighten the atmosphere. 

Directions for Use

Aromatic use: Place three to four drops of Island Mint essential oil blend in the diffuser of your choice.

Topical use:Apply one to two drops of Island Mint oil blend to the desired area. Dilute with a carrier oil to minimize any skin sensitivity.


See additional precautions below.



Possible skin sensitivity. Keep out of reach of children. If you’re pregnant, nursing, or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician. Avoid contact with eyes, inner ears, face, and sensitive areas. Avoid sunlight and UV rays for at least 12 hours after applying the product.

Island Mint Oil Image


  • Diffuse Island Mint essential oil blend throughout the day to create an uplifting environment. 
  • Place a few drops of Island Mint oil blend on diffuser jewelry for a refreshing aroma. 
  • Use on long road trips.
  • Diffuse Island Mint essential oil blend on long road trips to brighten the atmosphere. 

Directions for Use

Aromatic use: Place three to four drops of Island Mint essential oil blend in the diffuser of your choice.

Topical use:Apply one to two drops of Island Mint oil blend to the desired area. Dilute with a carrier oil to minimize any skin sensitivity.


See additional precautions below.



Possible skin sensitivity. Keep out of reach of children. If you’re pregnant, nursing, or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician. Avoid contact with eyes, inner ears, face, and sensitive areas. Avoid sunlight and UV rays for at least 12 hours after applying the product.

Continue Your Journey with Essential Oils

Use the resources below to learn more about Island Mint and other essential oils.

Peppermint Essential Oil

Peppermint oil is more than just an important ingredient in the Island Mint essential oil blend. It’s one of the bestselling doTERRA products! Learn more about this powerful essential oil and how to use it.

Lemon Essential Oil

Did you know doTERRA sources Lemon oil from Italy? This doTERRA favorite is a vital part of the Island Mint oil blend. Find out more about it below.

Free eBook: 100 Ways to Use Essential Oils

Interested in learning how to better use essential oils? In this free eBook, you’ll explore 100 new ways you can get the most out of your essential oils, helping you incorporate them into everyday life.

Useful Resources



