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A new Wellness Advocate can be a qualified enrollment if he or she attends an event where a Diamond Club member personally participates in the presentation and meets with them face to face.

A Qualifying Enrollment is a new Wellness Advocate or Wholesale Customer enrollment that meets the following requirements:

  • A single initial order of a minimum of 100 PV (combined orders do not count).
  • Physical attendance at the event (webinars, conference calls, Skype, GoTo Meetings, Facebook, Facebook live, Zoom, etc,. do not qualify). New Wellness Advocates must meet the Diamond Club member face-to-face before they can be enrolled through the portal. This is referred to as the Hug Rule.
  • Entered online by you or your co-applicant (through the Diamond Club Portal) within three business days of the event in order to count toward your totals. The three business days start the first business day after the event. If the event is held on the weekend (Friday, Saturday, or Sunday) the first business day starts on the following Monday.
  • Entered online by yourself or your co-applicant (through the Diamond Club Portal) within three business days in order for the new enrollee to be eligible for the Diamond Club incentives.
  • Sponsored within the organization of the Diamond Club member to count toward the monthly enrollment requirement (18 enrollments) and towards points and standings. (70% of enrollments must be within your organization)
  • Reactivations and Preferred Member enrollments do not count during Diamond Club, but are encouraged as a great way to build your team.

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