4 Places Where Toxins Are Hiding in Your Home

4 Places Where Toxins Are Hiding in Your Home  

You’re exposed to countless toxins daily. Nearly every activity you do—breathing, eating, cleaning—exposes you to chemicals, natural and synthetic. Unfortunately, many everyday products unnecessarily expose you to toxins.

You might wonder what the big deal is. Surely toxins aren’t really that bad. Well, constant exposure to toxins can increase your toxic load, which can burden your body as it works hard to filter out these unnecessary toxins. It’s no wonder you’ve noticed so many people are pushing for natural alternatives lately. While you might not see toxins with the naked eye, they’re in many everyday commercial products—just read the labels.

Learn below about four major hidden toxins that might lurk in your home, as well as how you can get rid of them.

1. Cleaning Products: Many of the products you use to keep your home safe and clean actually expose you and your family to additional synthetic toxins. If you feel like you’re choking on the smell of chemicals after cleaning the bathroom or kitchen, there are likely powerful toxins in the cleaning products you’ve just used. Common items like multipurpose sprays, laundry detergents, and even soaps frequently contain questionable ingredients.

Instead of settling for toxic cleaning supplies, try a more natural approach. For example, distilled water, vinegar, and a few drops of Lemon in a bottle create a fantastically effective multipurpose spray.

Or you can try a pure product like doTERRA On Guard® Laundry Detergent, which uses a unique, naturally based bio-originated enzyme blend and essential oils to get your clothes extra clean.

You can also use products like Purify—a blend of Lemon, Siberian Fir, Citronella, Lime, and Tea Tree essential oils—for multiple applications in the kitchen, bathroom, laundry room, and other household areas.

Whether you’re making your own cleaning agents or switching to more natural alternatives, you’ll know you’re keeping your space clean.


2. Personal Care Items: Makeup, shampoo and conditioner, skincare products—so many personal care items contain toxins. Take a closer look at the products you use in your daily routine. Pay attention to the kinds of ingredients you’re putting on and in your body. It may be time to ditch some of your old standby products and opt for something more natural.

From a natural shampoo and conditioner and Correct-X® Essential Ointment to doTERRA On Guard Natural Whitening Toothpaste, doTERRA has plenty of options to help you switch out your old products for new, improved ones. If your daily hygiene routine is adding to the toxins in your daily life, consider which products you might exchange to lower your toxic load.


3. Cookware: Though nonstick cookware is convenient for after-dinner cleaning, many popular cookware items in your home likely use a coating that contains synthetic chemicals. Even more alarming, it’s possible for these chemicals to get into your food during the cooking process. So what’s the solution? Trade out nonstick cookware for safer options, like stainless steel or cast iron. And though they can be delicate and pricier, ceramic and enamel cookware are also safe options—well worth the investment.


4. Air Fresheners: Though they claim to remove odors and purify the air, most candles, air fresheners, and plugins on the market contain synthetic ingredients that can actually release toxins into the air of your home. Instead of breathing in toxins from air fresheners, use more natural options with essential oils.


Diffusing essential oils is one of the simplest ways to reduce the amount of toxins in your home, without losing all the wonderful aromas you love.  


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