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Back in Stock! MetaPWR™ Advantage
Show yourself some love with world-class collagen support, starting today.
Back in Stock! MetaPWR™ Advantage
On your busiest days, reach for Adaptiv® 15 mL, available for 10% off all February while supplies last.
Experience the aromas of home with this beautiful trio of oils sourced sustainably from Canada’s forests.
Our exclusive Palmarosa 5 mL is back for a limited time! Get this skincare must-have while supplies last.
The On Guard® Foaming Hand Wash Concentrate is now available in Canada. Get your hands on a bottle today!
Take on More of Life
Show yourself some love this February with doTERRA’s #1 collagen product—MetaPWR™ Advantage! Add power to your healthspan and order yours today.
Buy MetaPWR Advantage
For the Love of MetaPWR™
Take charge of your wellness this February with the doTERRA MetaPWR™ line. From the original blend to our revolutionary collagen formula, you can practice the art of self-love by powering your lifestyle with MetaPWR.
In order to work with committed partners and to ensure the best growing conditions, doTERRA sources essential oils from across the globe.