Congratulations on Reaching Blue Diamond!

 Byron and Renee Twilley

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A Holiday to Remember..

While enjoying a vacation in Noosa, Australia, Byron and Renee Twilley came across two Wellness Advocates at a nearby market. These Wellness Advocates, Max and Cherie Tucker, took the time to share the oils and doTERRA with Byron and Renee, and even offered Renee some Peppermint to assist her digestive discomfort, which helped her significantly. They say, “We were blown away not only by the quality of essential oils, but also by the business and opportunity to help others through sharing such a beautiful product.” From that point on, their holiday in the sun became a planning session for their future doTERRA business. 
At the time, both Byron and Renee had secure jobs working in information technology for the local government and teaching primary school, but to them, their careers didn’t provide them with as much joy and satisfaction as doTERRA did. They say, “The doTERRA opportunity fell into our laps and it pulled us toward a higher meaning and purpose in life.” Now, they have completely traded in their old careers to pursue a life where passion and service is at the core. 
From the very beginning, Byron and Renee have worked side by side to make this dream come true. Their support for one another constantly fuels their business and centers them in their journey. They say, “We both do equal parts in the business. We have roles and boundaries in place so we don’t double up, and we do what we enjoy doing and what we’re good at. But we can also fill the shoes of one another and take on each other’s roles if need be.” By working as a team, they have mutually built a business that caters to their situations and allows for flexibility to enjoy life and limit worries.  
The Twilley’s upline and downline are also at the heart of their success. They say, “Our team is so hugely supportive that without them, we wouldn’t have reached Blue Diamond. We receive so much in return from our team for all that we give them. They work hard, share from the heart, and are a creative and clever group of people.” 
Byron and Renee’s chance encounter with Max and Cherie have significantly altered their life for the better. Rather than settling, they took control of their destinies and have become exemplary advocates for health and wellness. They say, “We have found something that we both share a passion for, can work together on, and get financially rewarded for. We now have the time and space to be able to both effectively parent our baby girl and give her the affection and opportunities we previously wouldn’t have been able to provide if we continued in our previous careers. This moment, now, and the future are very enjoyable and promising.”


Keep in Mind...

“Wellness Advocates should approach the business with as much fun and enjoyment as possible. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself to hit rank and reach goals. Goals are important, but make them realistic and achievable. It’s very hard to see how the business can be hugely rewarding in the beginning, but rather than focus on how much you’re earning, focus on how you can best serve others, enjoy the process and make your business duplicable.”

“When structuring, focus on building by rank whilst gaining power of three for yourself and teaching it to others. Always create groups of people that will help, support, and grow together. Don’t patch holes to make rank when it isn’t the right fit for the person. This is a people business, and we need to make sure placements are made in the best interest of the people involved.”
“The key to successful follow-ups is to connect with people as people. Ask them questions, without being too intrusive, and find how you can best serve them. What are their interests? What are their needs? What are their health concerns? What are they interested in finding out more information about?”
 “Live the product, live the wellness philosophy, and emanate what you believe in without letting anyone or anything waver your course toward success.”
“If you want to grow yourself and grow a meaningful business that will leave a lasting legacy and connect with amazing like-minded people, then take a look at the doTERRA business opportunity.”
“doTERRA is a personal growth company wrapped up in essential oils.”




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