Achieving your dreams

doTERRA Australia and New Zealand Convention 2019 was packed with inspirational speakers, new product announcements, confetti (lots of it) and the opportunity to network with other like-minded essential oil lovers. Now that Convention is over, it’s time to start working on achieving your own dreams by taking all the knowledge you gained and applying it to your doTERRA Business. Remember that no dream is too big or too small! 

Here are a few ways to help you get started:

  1. Re-visit your goals
    You may have set some goals before or during Convention and now it’s time to put them into action so you know what to work towards. Spend some time each day going through your goals and reminding yourself about specific moments from Convention where you felt the most inspired and why. This can help you get back on your feet and be encouraged and motivated to achieve these goals. Apply doTERRA Touch Passion® Inspiring Blend on your wrists to spark feelings of creativity and wonder.
  2. Positive thinking
    It’s all in the mind! If you start to notice negative self-talk creeping up, then start tackling them one by one and replacing them with positive thinking. Turn “I can’t do it” to “I got this”. The more you practice positive thinking, the more confident and excited you will be when you start to achieve the goals you set at Convention. You may even surprise yourself at how much easier a task is to do with positive self-talk. Apply doTERRA Motivate® Encouraging Blend to the bottoms of your feet in the morning to promote feelings of confidence and courage.
  3. Reach out and Reconnect
    Did you meet someone at Convention who inspired you? Reconnecting with those who made a positive impression on you is key! Not only can you reminisce about Convention but this could be an opportunity to listen to their passion for doTERRA and learn from them. It can leave you feeling encouraged and motivated to implement new ideas and get creative with your favourite doTERRA products!

Although Convention has come to an end for 2019, it doesn’t mean that the excitement has to end. Keep the momentum going by constantly reminding yourself about what inspired you about Convention.

doTERRA AUNZ Convention Wrap Up!

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