7 Positive Daily Habits

As an aspiring entrepreneur and business builder, your daily habits can shape your day and make or break your success. It is not always about the growth of your business but also about taking care of your biggest investment- YOU!

Here are 7 practices that you can bring into every day:

1. Set your intention for the day

When you wake up, take a moment to ask yourself how you want to feel today, and what do you want to achieve. Be specific about what you want to bring into your day, visualise it and invite it in. Setting this intention will help to empower you to make decisions during the day based on this.

You may even wish to begin your morning with a diffuser blend that reflects just this!

HOT TIP: Diffuse Peppermint essential oil to start your day. It’ll wake you right up and give you a great heart start. 

2. Schedule your time and have a routine

You have complete control over your day. This can mean we can get blindsided by the feeling of freedom though. Having a routine and scheduling your day is essential in achieving your goals. You need to have a clear focus to allow for a more balanced lifestyle.

Allow yourself time to also do the things you love! A yoga class, hanging out with a friend, whatever makes you heart sing!

3. Plan and Prioritise 

Having a to-do list is a great visual representation of what you need to do each day. Each evening, write out your to-do list for the following day, ensuring you are ready to go. You can have a master list of everything you need to do, as well as a clear daily list focusing on the key priorities. You can even highlight the three key things that are most important to get done first.

Now you know what you need to focus on, commit to a single task for 30 minutes at a time. Remove distractions and don’t let procrastination set in- your Instagram feed will always be there! 

4. Exercise

Get your body moving! Even if it’s just 20 minutes a day, your mind, body and soul will thank you for it. 

Find a time that suits you and schedule it in, make yourself the priority! Keeping active will help to clear your mind and relieve stress.

5. Keep nourished and hydrated

Sometimes all we need is a visual reminder, so keep a big bottle of water at your desk at all times. Keeping yourself hydrated throughout the day will help you stay energised, as well as improve concentration, memory and overall mood. 

Pop a drop of Wild Orange or Grapefruit essential oil in your water for that added burst of flavour. 

The same goes for food. Prepare nourishing meals at the start of the week to help you keep on track and prevent that 3pm slump.

6. Be mindful and practice gratitude 

Sometimes it’s as simple as G-R-A-T-I-T-U-D-E. When things are always go go go and you’re trying to grow your business and follow your dreams, it can be easy to miss what’s right in front of you.

Take a moment each day to be grateful for all the amazing things that are happening for you now, small or big! Have you just signed up to learn the AromaTouch Technique or have you just enroled someone new? Every step forward is a wonderful achievement in its own way. 

7. Know when to switch off and on

When you work for yourself, it is easy to be switched on 24/7, but this can easily lead you to burn out. Setting yourself healthy boundaries and knowing when to switch off is a useful practice.

It could be as simple as not checking your emails until after breakfast or shutting down your computer an hour before bed. Let this become a time to unwind, pamper yourself and relax before bed. Lavender Peace is the perfect blend to diffuse before bed, it will help promote a calm relaxed environment.

You have the tools to be the most productive version of yourself. Now, it’s time to put them into action!

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