Incentive Trip Detail

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Anticipate the thrill of a lifetime with our exhilarating game drives in Kenya, an opportunity to intimately connect with the magnificent wildlife that calls this remarkable country home. Get ready for awe-inspiring encounters with majestic creatures, from elegant giraffes to powerful lions, in their natural habitat. These unforgettable moments will create lasting memories, making your journey through Kenya an adventure like no other.

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Co-Impact Sourcing

Get ready for a fascinating journey through the lush fields of Kenya, where you'll witness the magic of crop cultivation and the art of harvesting, unveiling the secrets behind the world-renowned doTERRA essential oils. Immerse yourself in the enchanting process of distillation, where nature's bounty is transformed into pure, aromatic treasures. This unique experience promises to deepen your connection with the source of these exquisite oils, providing you with a newfound appreciation for the natural world and the unparalleled quality of doTERRA products.

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Community Projects

Prepare for an incredibly enriching experience where you'll roll up your sleeves and join local farmers in the noble endeavor of planting and harvesting essential oil plantations, allowing you to truly connect with the heart and soul of Kenya's agricultural heritage. As part of our commitment to giving back, we'll also have the privilege of visiting local schools, extending a helping hand to communities and creating lasting bonds. This journey promises not only a profound connection with the land but also a sense of purpose and fulfillment as we come together to make a meaningful impact on the lives of those we encounter.

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Teambuilding Activities

Get ready to elevate your team dynamics to new heights amidst the breathtaking backdrop of the conservancy. Our thoughtfully crafted team-building activities promise not only thrilling adventures but also the opportunity to forge unbreakable bonds and enhance collaboration. From adrenaline-pumping challenges to thought-provoking problem-solving tasks, these activities are designed to ignite teamwork and camaraderie. As you conquer obstacles and celebrate victories together, you'll not only create unforgettable memories but also leave with a strengthened, united team ready to take on any challenge.


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