dōTERRA is of Latin origin and means
"Gift of the Earth."
While we hold all our promotions in high regard, BOGOs stand out as particularly thrilling and eagerly awaited events at dōTERRA. Spanning an entire week, these buy-one-get-one-free deals present an opportunity to enjoy exclusive, limited-time products as well as our daily go-to products, all at discounted prices.
dōTERRA brings you thrilling surprises with our Buy One, Get One (BOGO) deals, uniquely South African style! When you purchase a particular oil, we throw in another oil or a related product absolutely mahala. It's our vibrant way of ensuring you immerse yourself in more of the essential oil treasures you adore! Whether you are eager to grow your essential oil assortment, embark on a dōTERRA journey or simply revel in the joy of receiving complimentary oils, BOGO deals are your irresistible ticket to a world of aromatic delights.
Among our annual promotions, BOGOs present distinctive chances for you to make strides toward achieving your doTERRA business goals. It's not just about incredible deals; it's about leveraging these special opportunities to propel your business forward.
BOGOs can create excitement around enrolment, build interest in the Loyalty Rewards Program and boost your team builders.
The Perfect Time to Enroll. Get your potential customers excited about enrolling with one of the best deals of the year. After all—what’s more exciting than making your first doTERRA order and getting a ton of free product?
BOGOs and the Loyalty Rewards Program. BOGOs are uniquely compatible with the benefits of the LRP. Especially if you (or your team members) are planning on ordering more than one of each day’s BOGO, it is an easy way to score multiple 50 PV orders in the same week and earn Reward Points back every time! If your team isn’t already participating, this is the perfect time to join.
Empower Your Builders. All the strategies in this post are designed to work for every member of your team. Develop a brief quarterly BOGO training for your builders to teach them how to use BOGOs to enhance their business and building whenever this promotion comes around!
BOGOs create a great opportunity to talk about dōTERRA with others, follow up with contacts, and strengthen your teams.
The Ultimate Ice Breaker. Whether or not you usually make daily contact with your team, make it a priority during BOGOs! BOGOs and promotions are great talking points in general, but it is an effective icebreaker to highlight current promos that your team’s potential customers can take advantage of.
Build Team Relationships. While regularly communicating with your team is crucial, BOGOs are a great chance to reach out and reconnect with your team. Keep an eye on the daily BOGO announcements and notify members of your team with a personal message or email. Your team will know that you are looking out for them and are available to help them maximise BOGOs for themselves!
A Way to Reconnect. Do you have a list of follow-up contacts gathering dust, or maybe you have some interested names who are still on the fence about dōTERRA? Call them during BOGOs and let them know they came to mind when you saw this amazing promotion. Once again, this icebreaker may be just what you need to rekindle old contacts!
BOGOs come with a collection of amazing materials that you can leverage to share and educate your customers about dōTERRA products.
Product Experience and Education. BOGOs are an ideal time for your customers to discover oils or products they might not have tried or don’t use as often. Every day a BOGO is announced, connect them with our product pages, blogs or posts teaching about the day’s products and essential oils. When people are empowered to learn how to use the BOGO products together or on their own, they will be more excited to participate in the offer.
Online Resources and Sharing. Using social media to share news about BOGOs is a great way to give your business profile a boost. You can share our daily Instagram and Facebook posts, BOGO product posts or create your own posts using resources available through the website and more.
We all love a great business strategy, but a deal is a deal!
Save on Shipping. If you are encouraging your team to take advantage of a BOGO promotion, one of the easiest benefits of the promo to highlight is how to save on shipping. They can order the whole week of BOGOs in a single order by purchasing the BOGO Box option, while it is available. Or, encourage your team to order as a group, alternating who buys the BOGOs each day. That way, the group only pays for shipping once!
Stock Up. At the end of the day, this promo is all about the BOGO products themselves! The BOGO essential oils and products range from classic favourites to all new and exclusive options. Take advantage of the maximum order limit each day to stock up on every product. Use the products for sharing or as a sample for your classes, giveaways and other business strategies.
Waived Enrolment Fee. Encourage your team to leverage the BOGO Box for enrolling new customers by highlighting the advantage of waiving the enrolment fee. Emphasise that utilising this offer not only provides potential customers with all the best products in one go, but also provides a cost-saving incentive, making it more appealing for individuals to join without the financial barrier of an enrolment fee. This strategic approach not only expands our customer base but also fosters a positive and accessible experience for new members, contributing to overall team success and growth.
Simply go through the new membership process and select the BOGO Box
Follow the steps below to activate a waived enrolment fee: