Origen: un derivado latino.
Significado "regalo de la tierra."
Best known for its ability to spice up meals and enhance the taste of foods, Black Pepper essential oil is a multi-purpose oil that has a variety of uses and benefits. The sharp flavor of Black Pepper makes it an ideal addition to meats, soups, and entrees. However, because of Black Pepper’s powerful chemical components, this essential oil is much more than just a handy spice in the kitchen. Black Pepper essential oil is high in monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes, which are natural chemicals known for their antioxidant activity and their ability to support the immune system when needed most.* When Black Pepper essential oil is orally ingested, a sesquiterpene called caryophyllene helps the body support healthy cell function.* Internal use of Black Pepper essential oil can also promote healthy circulation,* but when used topically, it should be applied with caution due to its powerful warming sensation. Black Pepper essential oil is a diverse oil that provides many physically and mentally stimulating properties essential to promoting human health.
To buy a bottle of Black Pepper, visit the Black Pepper essential oil product page.
doTERRA’s mission is to share the life-enhancing benefits of the highest-quality essential oils. We achieve this by ensuring all of our essential oils are pure and free of harmful contaminants. Many essential oils available for purchase often contain filler substances or contaminants, and when oils are diluted with impurities, the effectiveness of the essential oil severely decreases. At doTERRA, we want to share the powerful effects of essential oils by providing products that produce their full benefits. In order to guarantee pure essential oils, each batch of oils goes through our CPTG Certified Pure Tested Grade™ protocol. This protocol contains a series of strict essential oils tests that monitor purity and potency of the essential oils. When the essential oils pass the CPTG® protocol, they are then qualified to be sold so that the world can experience the full and life-changing benefits of essential oils.
In ancient Greece and Rome, black pepper was extremely popular and was even used as a medium of exchange.1
Native to India, the black pepper plant is a climbing vine that can grow up to 10 meters high. The stem of the black pepper plant grows into a plentiful green column as the many shoots that grow from the stem begin to produce green, almond-shaped leaves. Growing next to these luscious leaves are clustered flowers and the fruit of the plant—the peppers. The peppers, or fruits, are round and can grow to be approximately 6 mm in diameter. These fruits turn from green to red and are picked at various times of their ripening stages to produce varying types of peppers. In order to produce black pepper, these tiny and rotund fruits are typically picked when they are fully grown, shiny, and green.2
Main Chemical Components: Caryophyllene, limonene, carene, sabinene
Black Pepper essential oil contains a high amount of natural chemicals that can support and protect the human body. Some of the most prominent chemicals are monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes, which are known for their antioxidant activity when ingested.* These chemicals also help support the immune system.* Additionally, one of the sesquiterpenes found in Black Pepper is caryophyllene. The doTERRA Science Blog explains how this caryophyllene chemical can be extremely crucial to the body because of its ability to support healthy cell function when ingested orally.* The chemical makeup of this highly regarded spice makes Black Pepper an effective and impactful essential oil. To learn more about the chemical components of Black Pepper or other essential oils, visit the doTERRA Science Blog.
Black Pepper essential oil blends well with Bergamot, Clary Sage, Frankincense, Geranium, Lavender, Clove, Juniper Berry, Sandalwood, and Cedarwood essential oils for diffusion.
Possible skin sensitivity. Keep out of reach of children. If you are pregnant, nursing, or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician. Avoid contact with eyes, inner ears, and sensitive areas.