Rediscovering the power of in person classes

If 2020 taught us anything, it was the power of connection and physical presence in human interaction. As we begin to reconnect with others in person, it is important that we refresh our memory of how we once shared our passion for doTERRA essential oils through in person experiences, while retaining those useful tools and techniques we acquired through the challenging time that was. Here are some of our useful tips:

  1. Connect: Tell people. Let them know that you intend to start in person classes once again. Also remember to reach out to those you connected with via a virtual class and offer them the opportunity to experience an in person class. You may find those who enjoyed the virtual class may resonate even more with an in person experience.
  2. Prepare: Just as we had to adapt to the world of virtual classes, now is the time where we need to adapt back to the world of physical classes. It is important to remember that even though you may feel prepared because you have done these before, there are new considerations to be made in presenting a physical class. With an increased focus on hygiene, try incorporating this requirement as part of your class (i.e. using hand sanitisers, discussing oil properties, speaking about cleaning products etc.) this is where discussing about our On Guard® Range could become beneficial.
  3. Embrace: Use what is useful. If you had a really positive reaction to your virtual classes, continue doing these. One distinct advantage that virtual classes have is the ability to make distance irrelevant. Consider holding a joint class incorporating both physical and virtual attendees, as this way you can embrace the return of the physical class and expose the virtual attendees to what can be expected if they were to attend in future.
  4. Reflect: We are all still re-adjusting. Take time to reflect, seek feedback from others and look for ways to refine the way you share your passion. Rediscover the techniques that made for powerful experiences before, and adjust them to meet any requirements to ensure that your physical classes are not only safe, but they are successful.

Holding in person classes again can seem overwhelming but with these tips, we hope the transition can be a smooth experience.

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