Grow and Flourish

Kent & Stephanie Crane

“I work with people wherever they are, and very often as they grow they catch a bigger vision. I’m there to help them achieve whatever goal they have.”


She says, “When you take over everything, you’re doing your leaders a disservice. You’re not allowing them to grow and flourish. When you step back and allow them to lead with the expectation that they’re going to be great, and you fully trust that they’re going to step up and do it— they do. The key is to treat everyone like a leader, and then they become one.”

Stephanie is grateful that she was able to take her husband out of a stressful job, and that she was able to find a career that fulfilled her passion. She says, “I’m so much more confident now. I’ve discovered that I absolutely love servant leadership. I love this business as much as I love the oils. I love being able to serve my team and share in their success.”

Principles of Structure

Don’t worry.

“My structure is so messed up and I still hit Diamond. So, if you’re structure is not ideal, don’t worry. You can still hit your goals. You don’t have to be perfectly structured in order to succeed.”

Think of your team.

“Sometimes we get too hung up on structure and achieving the next rank. You have to pull back and think about what the people on your team really want. Do they want to earn rank, or income? The two are not necessarily mutually exclusive.”

Delay gratification.

“Don’t get so caught up in getting your $50 Power of 3 that you give up the prime positions in your organization. If you delay that $50 for four or six months, in the grand scheme of things the return on investment will be far greater.”

*Results not typical. Average earnings are less. See doTERRA 2014 Opportunity and Earnings Disclosure Summary on

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