How to take High-Quality photos

The online world is a very visual place and sharing high-quality photos can make all the difference on platforms such as Instagram and Facebook for your business. Think about what makes you stop and look when you’re scrolling through hundreds of images? A beautiful, eye catching image sparks interest and engagement, not only standing out on your feed but intriguing you to take action.

Building your doTERRA business online can feel like a big job, and even harder if you aren’t feeling creative. We’re here to tell you that you don’t need expensive equipment to take photos, and with a few simple tricks you can capture some amazing images even on your phone. Fake it till you make it! 
Use these 4 easy tips to help you share doTERRA more effectively and with confidence:

  1. Lighting
    Whether you’re using a camera or your phone, lighting can change the whole look and feel of a photo. Creating good lighting is easier than you think and although professional equipment is nice, it’s not always necessary. Look for an overcast area, this creates a softer light which works well with essential oil bottles and helps takes away the glare. Avoid harsh, direct light as this can create an edgier and stronger look. When looking for an overcast area, consider an opening (such as a window) and a covering (such as a roof), this is your ideal set up as it allows directional light to come in.

  2. Simplicity
    This is just as simple as it sounds; less is more. Use minimal props, a clean backdrop and let the essential oils speak for themselves. Choose essential oil bottles that look new without marks or wear, you want to make sure you are representing the doTERRA brand and products in their best light. If you find yourself lost and overwhelmed, doing some online research beforehand can give you some good inspiration to setting up a flat lay or product shot.

  3. Purpose & passion
    Have an understanding of what the intention is behind the photo. When you’re taking a photo it is important to consider the message you are conveying. You can ask yourself these simple questions to define your purpose and let your passion shine through:

    • How are you going to share this image?
    • Are you adding text over the image?
    • Will it be cropped?
    • What product is the main focus? 
    • What role will colour play?
    • What will the call to action be?
  4. doTOUCH-Ups
    Editing your photos is a great and easy way to clean them up and have them stand out. A slight adjustment to the brightness, contrast and colours can make a big difference. You may like to create a colour edit that becomes the theme throughout your feed and by adding personality it allows people to know it’s your imagery. 

    Some of our favourite editing apps are:
    • Lightroom
    • Snapseed
    • VSCO

Now that you’ve got the facts down pat it’s time to play around, have some fun and enjoy the process of building your business and sharing doTERRA. We would love to see your creations, hashtag #doterraaunz on Instagram and share your amazing new skills in action!

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