Tips to help you switch off after work!

The advance of technology has created a world that allows us to be connected to everyone, all the time. It’s incredible to think that since the iPhone was launched in 2007, there are now 2.5 billion people around the world who are connected by smartphones; that’s a lot of emails, likes and messages being sent every day! It also means that disconnecting from work mode when it’s time to unwind can be difficult and can have a devastating impact on your mental health and wellbeing.


Most people understand the importance of a good work-life balance, but understanding the concept and implementing it into your daily life are two very different things. If you’re working outside regular office hours on most days and find yourself thinking about work on your days off, it might be time to put some boundaries in place that can help you regain control of your time and untether yourself when it’s time to switch off.

Here are a few tips to help you switch off work mode when you’re not at work:


1. Turn off push notifications and turn on 'do not disturb'

When your device makes a noise, vibrates, or flashes a new notification in your face, it shifts your attention away from whatever you are doing and moves it to your screen. Often the notification –whether it’s from work or elsewhere– is non-critical and could be looked at at a later time.


‘Do not disturb’ is a feature to control all notifications on your smartphone, which can be particularly helpful if you have an exclusive work phone. It’s up to you what breaks your ‘do not disturb’ – in this way you can allow important calls to come through but block notifications from emails, apps and texts. You might want to avoid being sent notifications at all hours of the day and night by ensuring your phone is set to ‘do not disturb’ between allocated hours.


2. Schedule activities for leaving time

Getting stuck into an activity can be a great way to occupy your mind and wind down after a busy day. By scheduling an exercise class or activity for when it’s time to clock off will make you more likely to commit and make it happen. Often it seems difficult or near impossible to fit a yoga class or evening run into your day, but the truth is, if it’s important enough you can always find the time!


3. Practise mindfulness

Researchers are only now discovering the powerful impact that practising mindfulness can have on your health. You don’t need to spend hours a day on it; focusing on your breath, being aware of the sounds around you and the feelings that arise can be extremely helpful, even if just for a few minutes on your commute home from work.

Give yourself the opportunity to de-stress and avoid burnout by getting strict with your time management. Making the call to take charge will help you to switch off from work and embrace leisure and relaxation. After all, you only get one body and one brain, so don’t forget to keep them happy and healthy.

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