Finding Motivation in Everyday Life

With a change in normal activities and our lives knocked out of routine, chances are you may be having issues with the lack of motivation. Here are some tips to help you find motivation.


Mini Rewards

Rewards are not just for children. Give yourself a little treat for accomplishing the scheduled tasks you have for the day. Be it a break or a snack, let that be something that motivates you to move on your day.


Work on a personal project

Life cannot be just work and no play. Find items that are of interest to you to work on during your period of working from home. This can be a good motivation to wake up fresh an find some time to tackle the project daily.


Revisit past success and break down how you got there

Being at home shouldn’t make a difference in your success. If you can do it before the change of lifestyle, try working back steps of how you got your success previously and figure out what you need to change to achieve success or even more!


Keeping a normal routine

Try to make it a point have regular online meeting with friends and family. Although meeting physically may be hard, being able to communicate will definitely help to keep things a little more in the normal end.

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