Father's Day Things to Do

Being at homes doesn’t mean that there can be nothing to do this Father’s Day. With a little planning, Father’s Day at home can be extra special this year!


Cook to start off the day
If Mum has always been the head of the kitchen, rather than waiting for breakfast to be served, offer to make cooking breakfast with Dad a special morning activity. It does not have to be anything fancy but trying out something out of the routine can be fun too! Who knows, Dad may be an awesome cook and have a few tips to teach! Make that meal extra special for the family by including the benefits of essential oils! A hint of lemon or peppermint essential oil into the morning tea or add a few drops of lavender to the pancakes for its calming properties.


Keep the Diffuser running with Dad’s favorite scents
While Dad may not choose what goes into the diffuser everyday, give him a chance to do so this time round! This may be a great time for Dad to learn to experiment with essential oils

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