Being intentional about breaks

 Its common knowledge that we all need breaks, but how can you avoid burning yourself out? As working from home become a normal for many of us, it perhaps a good idea to be intentional with our breaks, allowing out mind to take short snippets of time off from the long hours infront of the computer.


Here are some suggestions on how you can work on this:
1) Set a scheduled time each day to break
A scheduled break time is great to let your mind know that you are due for a time off at the same time everyday.


2) Find a short engaging activity
While not all may like to stop while you are on a great momentum at work, a short change of activity may be the answer to it all. Short activities such as drawing a picture.


3) Calming your mood
More often, it is our emotions that take a tow on us. Figuring out methods to help calm our emotions are great ways to staying positive through the day. Diffuse essential oils at break times can help us create a soothing atmosphere at work.

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