Essential Oils for Lolo and Lola

Honour our loving and affectionate Lolo and Lola with only the best on Grandparents Day! Rather than racking your brains to where to bring them for a special day out, why not pick out some of the essential oil suggestions we have below to give Lolo and Lola a special relaxing day with essential oils!

Soothe out the knots
What Grandpa and Grandma need is probably just a nice soothing massage to ease off the knots. Dropping by their home with some Cedarwood, Cypress, Lavender or Peppermint may just give gramps a relaxing surprise!


DIY the perfect gift
Cannot find the perfect gift? Perhaps some DIY may just do the trick. Below are some little DIY gifts you may want to consider for the loving grandparents.


DIY Shaving Cream
Ingredients: ⅓ cup shea butter, ⅓ cup coconut oil, ¼ cup Fractionated Coconut Oil, 5 drops Hawaiian Sandalwood oil, 5 drops Peppermint oil

Place all ingredients except for essential oils in double boiler.
Once melted, remove from heat and let sit three minutes.
Add essential oils and stir until combined.
Let shaving cream rest until hard. Tip: You can put it in the refrigerator to speed up the cooling process.
Using hand or stand mixer, whip shaving cream until light and fluffy.
Place in container of choice.

DIY Lavender Bath Salt
Ingredients: 1 cup Epsom salt, 10 drops Lavender oil

Add Lavender oil to Epsom salt and stir together.
Draw a warm bath and add ¼–½ cup of Epsom salt to the tub.


Beautify the home
Create the perfect home environment for Grandpa and Grandma by diffusing some of their favourite essential oils. Not sure what to diffuse? Oils such as Lavender, Roman Chamomile are great for relaxation, oils such as Citrus Bliss, Lemon and Purify are great to keep air refreshed at home while oils such as Balance and Cedarwood are great for grounding.

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