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  • Fundación Healing Hands
  • Proyectos Healing Hands México
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  • Reporte Anual de Impacto
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  • Nepal Earthquake Relief 2015

    When we learned of the devastating earthquake in Nepal, the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation provided immediate help and asked for your support through our matching donation campaign. Your response was incredible! You raised and contributed $317,951.67, which doTERRA is honored to match. Our combined donation of $635,903.34 is providing critical relief to thousands of people in Nepal who have lost so very much.

    Families in Nepal are starting to rebuild their lives, thanks in part to your donations, which have provided food, water, and shelter. Your support also has assisted in providing medical care, building schools, and funding countless other relief efforts.
    The work to rebuild Nepal continues. We appreciate your generosity and encourage you to continue supporting the efforts of the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation. Together we are making a difference for many people throughout the world where help is so desperately needed. Thank you for your generous and inspiring support.

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