Monika & Viliam Batka

Monika & Viliam Batka

Slovakia Presidential Diamond

Monika Batkova’s friend, Sharon McDonald, came to Slovakia and stayed with Monika while presenting doTERRA essential oils to elderly people at a rest home. She asked Monika to translate at the event, but Monika was not interested in the oils. She was, in fact, excited for Sharon to leave so they would stop smelling up her home. Then, she learned about the business opportunity and she was stunned.

She had begun a different network marketing business just the month before, and she could tell right away that the doTERRA compensation plan was far superior. She was devoted to the business aspect from the very beginning. She says, “I think this is key for any new country that opens up for doTERRA—you have to have a committed and fully devoted entrepreneur that believes in his or herself to start with.” She found herself “in” the mission of doTERRA and she knew she was going to the top, it was only a question of when. It actually took Monika about four months before she discovered what a “gift from heaven” the essential oils really were. She says, “Once you have a strong experience, nothing will ever stop you from getting these oils to every family you know, even if you are shy and introverted like me.”

She considers her team to be the best in the world. “I have learned so much from them. They are true heroes and pioneers in Eastern European countries.” There was a period of time when Monika’s costs were still exceeding her income. She needed to reach Gold in order to have reasonable compensation, and she was having a hard time getting anyone in Slovakia to enrol—people simply couldn’t afford the oils. Their upline, Sharon, made the investment to help her put on a large promotion that had a huge impact. Monika says, “I worked hard to share the advantages of this promotion with everyone. Before long, I was Gold and things started looking up.”

She is amazed at where doTERRA has brought her today. She says, “The life I have now I would not exchange for anything in the world. I know so many people that have bettered their lives and I personally have space for my dreams.”

“I am proud of every single person who decides to trust nature and see for themselves what a miracle these oils are.”

THINK LIKE A DIAMOND. “At first, I thought I just had to do everything I needed to achieve Diamond, but I had not made the decision to be one and feel like one in my very soul. Once I realized that, it was about six months before we reached Diamond.”
PROVIDE TOOLS. “We did a lot of promotions that helped people learn about the oils and then helped them to share, do classes, and grow. We prepared the means for them to learn by constantly translating articles and creating Slovak versions of websites.”
FIND INSPIRATION. “Talk to all types of Diamonds. Share your visions and dreams with corporate leaders. Read Leadership magazines, attend events, read lots of personal development books. Stick to your daily tasks. Find your inspiration every day.”
SUPPORT YOUR TEAM. “Provide education and inspiration to your team. Celebrate and honor their achievements, serve them, and let them know you are there for them no matter what. Let them make their own decisions and walk their own way.”
BELIEVE. “There is no magic to it. You just have to believe and act upon that faith. Some things work, some don’t, but this is experience. There is no other way. These are good foundations, and when the hard times come, you can build upon these solid rocks.”

*Results not typical. Average earnings are less. See doTERRA 2014 Opportunity and Earnings Disclosure Summary on

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