Origen: un derivado latino.
Significado "regalo de la tierra."
Origen: un derivado latino.
Significado "regalo de la tierra."
Have you ever wanted to do a sugar detox? Do you ever feel weighed down by too many treats, a not-so-healthy diet, or just too much processed food? If you want to go off of sugar, you might try a week-long, 10-day, or month-long sugar detox first, instead trying to quit cold turkey.
So, what are the benefits of a sugar detox? Depending on what types of sugar we consume in our regular diet, our sugar intake can have a major impact on how we feel from day to day. In today’s world, so many foods and drinks contain added sugars—we often don’t even realize how much sugar we are consuming. In addition to added sugars sneaking into some of our regular foods, we also have endless access to sugary candy, treats, desserts, and more. If we aren’t careful, we can get carried away and end up eating an unhealthy amount of sugar on a regular basis. Research has shown several negative effects of sugar consumption and reveals that too much sugar can have a serious impact on our health.
Because of the impact sugar has on the body, there are many sugar detox benefits that can help you to look and feel better.
Here are some benefits to going off sugar:
Change starts in the brain. Sugar is the most readily available source of energy for our bodies and our brain, so when we consume it, it actually triggers the release of dopamine and serotonin—telling us to eat more. This trigger also causes our memory centers in the brain to remember that consuming sugar provides energy and makes us feel good. If you find yourself constantly having sugar cravings, it is thanks to those “feel good” neurotransmitters in the brain.
Some people ask, “What are the side effects of a sugar detox?” Quitting sugar cold turkey may initially cause withdrawal-like symptoms: intense cravings, lethargy, brain fog, dizziness, nausea, general digestive discomfort, and even emotional despair. Eventually, the brain will adapt and no longer crave the “rush” that comes from consuming sugar. This process is progressive and may take several weeks before the cravings totally subside and you start experiencing the benefits above.
To effectively remove sugar from your diet and complete a sugar detox, you’ll need a little help. Did you know that some essential oils can be used to add flavor to your food and drinks? And some essential oils can even help fight of sweet tooth cravings.* We’ve compiled some of the best essential oils for a sugar detox to help you stick to your goals and successfully go off sugar.
Here are a few ways that essential oils can help with your sugar detox: