Follow Your Passion

Willem-Paul & Loussanna Koenen

Willem-Paul Koenen woke up one morning with a feeling that he needed to pursue his true passion for a living—graffiti art. At the time, he was in his early twenties and all his friends were continuing on to higher degrees of study. He knew that furthering his academic education was an option for him, but one question lingered in his mind—“What if I really could do something that I love?”

Despite the naysayers and social disapproval, Willem-Paul chose to follow his heart and took a leap into the unknown. This path brought him many wonderful and fun projects, and he eventually came across another artist, Loussanna, who joined him in his passion and in life.

After Willem-Paul and Loussanna got married, their schedules became hectic. They were taking on several large projects for big brand companies, and though it provided them with a creative outlet and an income, they found that the time-intensive projects were making the idea of a future family difficult. Together, they decided to make some adjustments in their life, including looking into the doTERRA business opportunity more seriously.

Previous to their marriage, Willem- Paul was introduced to doTERRA by a trusted friend. His friend told him about the business model and it sparked an interest with Willem-Paul. He said, “I had a really good feeling about doTERRA.

“Our team is called ‘Team Abundance’ because it’s about helping people and changing lives. It’s not just about oils. It’s not just about rank. It’s not just about money. It’s so much more.”

When I went to convention, I just felt like it had everything—culture, quality people, owners, and oils. I just knew that I was the last ingredient in order for it to work.” After that, he decided to join the business.

Willem-Paul then introduced Loussanna to the opportunity. At first, Loussanna didn’t believe in the oils, but as she puts it, “I put the oils on, and I started believing.” Loussanna also attended a regional convention, which helped solidify an understanding of doTERRA and a vision of all that she could create with the business.

In an effort to make the appropriate life changes they were looking for, they began diving deeper into the business together. This opportunity presented its challenges, but they chose to concentrate on the positive. They internalized the quote “Never quit on a bad day” and focused on the lives they were changing and the people they were helping. Once again, the business was not a question of “What if things didn’t work out?” but of “What if things really did work out?” Willem-Paul says, “If you focus on what you don’t want, you’ll get more of that. As with art, you don’t get inspired by what you don’t want to create; you get inspired by what you do want to create.”

Since then, they have been creating a team that resonates with them and their vision of giving back to others. Their team holds the strong values of living and giving abundantly and sustaining a positive and safe family culture. The doTERRA business model has restored balance to their lives, giving them the freedom to pursue their passion as artists and dedicate time to what is most important in life. They say, “We are living life full-time and doTERRA part-time.” 


“One of our biggest tips for people is to create the team they want. Something that has contributed to our success is taking a full day every six months to focus on our team and write down what we want to create. It’s important to remember that this is your own doTERRA business, and it helps to be as specific as you can so that you create a team that resonates with your ideals. Here are some of the questions that have helped us form a team that we love.“

  • What leaders do we want to attract?
  • What kind of leaders do we want to become?
  • What skill set do we want to attract?
  • What values do we want our team to be driven by?
  • What team culture do we want to create?

Watch the process of Willem-Paul’s latest graffiti creations by visiting the link below:

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