Healing Hands | Doterra IN Site

dōTERRA Healing Hands
Empowering people to make positive, sustainable change.


doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation has partnered with communities in sourcing areas and has supported projects including updating a high school washroom for girls and working with Days for Girls for distribution of 500+ kits in Odisha.

A partner NGO, Farms and Farmers, and our sourcing partner help smallholder farmers improve their livelihood by increasing their income from agricultural activities. The impact from this partnership includes:

  • Introducing high-value crops to farmers, including essential oil crops
  • Training, agricultural, and crop advisory services
  • Nursery and plantation expansion for smallholder farmers
  • Health and safety kits
  • Providing market opportunities for farmers through the “DeHaat” Program mobile phone apps and other tools

Through doTERRA’s investment, Farms and Farmers has provided new distillation units in the states of Bihar and Odisha to ensure that farmers have access to value-adding technology near their farms. These new distillation units have reduced the burdens of travel for farmers, which allows them to maintain a higher profit margin on their final sold product. Because of doTERRA’s increasing demand, dōTERRA can support over 30,000 farmers in India.

Our Approach

As we partner with communities and doTERRA Wellness Advocates, our focus is on making a difference in the following areas:

Anti-Human Trafficking

Human slavery is a fast growing, despicable type of organized crime. HOPE is a comprehensive model to fight human trafficking by focusing on three areas – Prevent, Rescue, and Aftercare – to help those who are most vulnerable.

Clean Water & Sanitation

We help provide clean water to prevent disease, improve the health of communities and empower children to attend school and receive an education instead of fetching daily water.

Disaster Relief

We aid those affected by natural disasters and work alongside organizations who care for low-income families, homeless individuals, and veterans in need. We often partner with Wellness Advocates to provide localized relief.

Empowering Women

We educate women about their own health (with tools to take care of their bodies) or about how to achieve basic financial goals and entrepreneurism. We foster self-reliance initiatives, and teach other how to contribute to society.

Global Health

Accessing basic healthcare resources is a challenge for many people around the world. We work to provide infrastructure for medical facilities and to increase access to physical and mental health resources.


Through efforts like micro-credit lending, mentoring and education programs, as well as partnerships with Co-Impact Sourcing®, we’re helping people down the path to build themselves a better life.

Supporting Children

We strive to empower children who live in less than desirable situations without responsible caregivers, medical care, or access to education. We do so by supporting orphanages, transition homes and to build rehabilitation centers.

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