Crossline Mentoring

by Eric Larsen

There is always so much to learn as new Wellness Advocates join our company. All new members would love to have great support teams and leaders who look out for them as they start their journey with doTERRA®. Our best leaders help people set their own individual goals, develop strategies, put plans in place to obtain them, and inspire others to find their own worth and potential. In short, a leader is successful when he or she helps others be successful—however that may be defined by the new Wellness Advocate who is starting with doTERRA. But, what do you do when people from other organizations or someone outside of your pay level comes to you looking for help? Some might be tempted to ask the following questions:

  • “How can I reasonably help someone else when I am already stretched 24/7?”
  • “Shouldn’t I be focused on my own career path and downline rather than helping someone that already has their own upline?”
  • “Won’t I be helping people who will compete against me?”
  • “If I do it for one person, won’t I likely be bombarded by requests for help and advice?”
So, here are a few tips for becoming a great mentor and helping others have success—especially those outside of your immediate support circle:
1. Be willing to pay it forward. It takes time and energy to be a great mentor. However, good business builders realize that their success depends on helping other people. So, take people under your wing that will use your advice and training in productive and constructive ways. That means being professional, following up on goals, and, especially, being willing to support others.
2. Work with those who have the same sense of mission as you do. Good mentors love turning mentees into mentors by connecting them with others who need their advice. Mentoring goes both ways: when different doTERRA teams come together, their blend of skills can be highly complementary. By being the very best mentor to people outside your team, you will build a network of trusted friends that will be able to help you with your difficult projects in the future.
3. Help those who want to do the right things for the right reasons. Great mentors recognize that professional interests blend with personal interests. They understand that mentoring someone’s career is linking doTERRA to the rest of his or her life, and that being a high-character person is more important than having all the right skills to make money.
4. Don’t get burned out. It is easy to spend so much time mentoring other teams that you neglect your own team or your family. Make sure you are performing at your peak before you take on someone new. Set limits and have mentees work around your schedule.
5. Recognize the rewards—leave a legacy. There’s a lot of personal satisfaction that comes from watching someone you care about reach his or her full potential. However, I have always felt that I have learned something new about me or improved in some area of my life because of the time I have spent with someone else. When I share what I learn, I feel like I am leaving a legacy that will live beyond what I can personally do because that person will go and do the same thing. So, the best thing that can happen to me is for someone to take something I have done, expand on it, and make it better.

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