Technology & your business

Improvements and upgrades are constantly evolving in the technological world and many businesses have been adjusted with the times. The main purpose for these advances is to make our lives easier but also to have our businesses run smoother. No matter how big or small your doTERRA business is or if you manage a small team or a large one, here is how utilising technology canenhance your business. 

  1. Helps to boost your marketing – Digital is where it’s at these days. Technology allows you to build engaging and eye-catching websites while social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram have a large reach which allows you to promote your business to a wider audience. With these combined, this provides an effective and efficient way to get your information across to your customers.
  2. Allows you to measure user engagement – Google Analytics does just that! It provides you with statistics of how many people visited your website, how long they stayed on the page right through to peak times. Knowing this vital information allows you to market your information so that the customer sees it at the right time – this can lead to higher conversion rates therefore improve your business.
  3. Creating better customer service – We live in a fast paced environment which means it’s important to engage with our customers quickly and clearly. Going back to the first point, social media is a great platform that allows your team to reach out instantaneously if they have any questions. Alternatively having a website in place allows customers to jump online to find answers if they are not able to contact you directly.
  4. Increases Flexibility – Working from home is becoming very popular and with many doTERRA Wellness Advocates doing this, it’s a great way to remain productive. Communicating with people has changed dramatically in the recent years with technology such as Skype or Zoom allowing you to contact multiple people in your team at any given time from any location. 
  5. Increases Productivity – Hand in hand with flexibility comes increased productivity. Programs such as Google Docs or the Cloud can help you and your team work collaboratively, sharing files and working efficiently from anywhere.Project management tools such as Planner also allows you to stay on top of your daily tasks so you don’t miss anything.

Technology can benefit your business in many ways. If you haven’t already, check out some of the programs that have been mentioned above and watch you and your business thrive!

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