Positive Thinking

Some days you wake up and realise there are challenges that you have to face during the day. It’s easy to get caught up in the moment and focus on the negatives of what could go wrong instead of how you can stay positive and overcome these challenges. Those who have a positive outlook are more likely to come up with solutions rather than problems. Here are 4 tips to make sure you are looking after your emotional wellbeing. 

  1. Start your day in a positive way
    Your morning routine will set the tone for the rest of the day. If you start the day in a positive way, it is more likely that feeling will continue throughout the day. But if you think positive thoughts, it will be easier to carry this emotion with you. There are a few easy steps you can take to make sure your day starts and ends with a smile.
    • Yoga in the morning: Relaxing your body and mind can ensure you create a positive space around you as you begin your day. Whether you are a beginner, intermediate or advanced, a 10 minute yoga routine can help you be present and focused in the moment which can help ease you into the day.
    • Have a positive conversation: This could be with your partner, kids or a colleague but start your day with a fun conversation. You can sing a song with your kids or discuss all the positives in your life with your partner. 
    • Use doTERRA oils: doTERRA oils may be the spark for positivity. Diffuse them at home or in your car to start the day with an energised and enthusiastic aroma.
  2. Listen to music
    Music can be used in many ways to help uplift your mood. Make a go-to playlist with your favourite songs to listen to on your way to and from work, when you exercise or when you simply need a mood booster to help you stay positive throughout the day. If you need to relax, stress and unwind, listen to calming music while diffusing your favorite doTERRA essential oil or blend, to evoke feelings of tranquility and balance.
  3. Work out
    You don’t have to be a gym fanatic to work out. This could simply mean taking a walk outside and getting some fresh air while listening to your favourite music. Doing this can help us feel refreshed and restored and appreciate what Mother Nature has to offer. Or if you want to turn it up a notch, you can go for a run or participate in a boot camp. This can help release endorphins leaving you energised and positive throughout the day.
  4. Be grateful
    Start and end your day with being grateful, for the good, the bad, for the big things or the small things. Being grateful helps you to acknowledge the work you did or the relationships you built. You can even offer your appreciation or compliment someone. This can help strengthen or even repair emotional bonds leaving you feeling happy. Try it, it’s FREE!

It’s very important to take care of yourself and your emotional wellbeing. What steps will you take to be more positive?

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