Our pure essential oils are revolutionizing the way families manage their health. We harness nature's most powerful elements and share these gifts through our global community of Wellness Advocates.

Kathryn Jost
Independent Wellness AdvocateAfter studying nursing for three years at the University of Texas in Austin I graduated from the University of Houston with a BA in Communications. I’m a Licensed Pastoral Therapist, certified Health & Wellness coach, completed advanced training in Dr. Tennant’s Master Course in the use of the Tennant Biomodulator®, an Aroma Therapist and 40-year veteran of the health industry. Currently I am completing my certification in HypnoTherapy. I’m an expert at using electric currents and essential oils to clear blockages that are guaranteed to make you look & feel younger. In addition, I can clear any blocked meridians caused by scars. I support clients on a cellular level using nutrition, aromatherapy, good raw materials & the Tennant Biomodulator® & Transducer. In addition, through my innovative approach, I inspire clients by equipping them with an expanded understanding of nutrition, the dangers of toxins and an appreciation for whole foods — all while rebooting their taste buds. In one session or through a series, the client moves closer to meeting their health and wellness goals while experiencing a renewed enthusiasm for a healthier lifestyle.
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