
Julie Soricelli
Welcome! I'm so glad you stopped by. I have had a strong passion for nearly 30 years for empowering women to create the health and life they love; to be the strongest they can be physically, emotionally and spiritually. I have served and walked beside many friends over my life and one thing I know...all women need people in their lives who care about them, cheer for them and who believe in them. One of the ways I do this is through educating on health products and essential oils that I have come to love and use daily in my life. After experiencing so many powerful benefits from using natural solutions and seeing my family have life-changing results as well, I decided five years ago I needed to share my story so that I could empower women to create the health and life they love for themselves and for their loved ones! Because someone cared enough about me and my family I knew I needed to do the same for other women.
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