
Hannah Lindsay

Natural health care has always been a part of my life. My parents took me to a homeopathic care provider since the time I was little. As I grew older I was able to see for myself how addressing my health challenges through diet change and herbal remedies provided effective long term solutions, often after hitting a wall with traditional medicine. Still, when I first heard about essential oils, I was a skeptic - what could smelling something pretty really do for my physical and emotional health?? My son was maybe 13 or 14 months old when I ran into another mom at the playground who shared with me how oils had changed her family's life. I was intrigued. After attending her class and trying some oils for myself, I knew that essential oils was something I wanted to invest in. Now we use oils several times a day to support our health, provide symptom relief, support our emotional balance, and even clean our home!
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