dōTERRA Donates to Build Women’s Clinic in Hepatitis B-Impacted South Africa

The doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation™ partners with the Senegal Health Institute, matching donations for a new clinic.

For many families in Senegal, the lack of proper health care leads to poor health, infection, and an inability to treat illnesses. One report showed that more than 2 million people in Senegal are infected by the hepatitis B virus, including 350,000 chronic carriers of hepatitis B. Many attribute the high number of infections to improper vaccinations, pricey medicine, and inconsistency in screening. Without a proper screening process, many do not know that they are infected with hepatitis until it is too late. This is particularly problematic when it comes to pregnant mothers, because they can unknowingly transmit the hepatitis B virus to their child. According to the World Hepatitis Alliance, hepatitis B affects more people than HIV and TB, however, it is deemed a low priority in many countries.1

The doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation has now partnered with the Senegal Health Institute to raise funds for a new women’s clinic in Kafountine, Senegal, West Africa. Through a donation match program, doTERRA has helped provide the necessary funds for the first phase of the women’s clinic building project. The Senegal Health Institute was started by midwife and doTERRA Wellness Advocate Jill Dieme, and her husband Atab, who is is originally from Kafountine.

The Senegal Health Institute (SHI) is a nonprofit organization that strives to improve the health of impoverished women and families in the Casamance region of Senegal by providing health care services, and education about safe birthing practices and reproductive health. The village hospitals and dispensaries in these areas lack necessary medical supplies and equipment, which SHI also helps with. Along with an effort to educate community members about modern contraceptives, the institute also trains local midwives and birth attendants to help promote supportive and safe birth environments. After babies are born, SHI provides education about baby care and breast feeding, and teaches parents about the signs and symptoms of illnesses within children, so that they know when to seek medical care.

By striving to improve maternal health, SHI is laying the foundation for better prenatal, birth, postpartum, and effective emergency care. Through their partnership with doTERRA, and continued fundraising efforts, the SHI will soon have a much needed health clinic for women in Kafountine. Visit the Senegal Health Institute website to help support their efforts.


1. "Hepatitis B: A Silent Emergency in Senegal"


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