Class Checklist

Creating and using a checklist can ensure that you have successfully prepared for your upcoming class. Checklists can help you manage your time, delegate tasks, and track your progress. Below is a sample checklist that can be adjusted to meet your class needs. 

Once You Set a Date:
  •  Determine time and location
  •  Define class topic
  •  Create guest list 
One Week Out:
  • Send or provide invitations
  • If needed, obtain audiovisual equipment for presentation
  • Plan product sampling and door prizes
  • Acquire brochures, catalogs, and products
  • Delegate product experiences or presentation pieces 
Two Days Out:
  • Confirm with each guest by phone
  • Obtain a personal commitment to attend
Day of Event:
  • Text attendees a final reminder
  • If needed, set up audiovisual equipment
  • Place product display table in an accessible area
  • Seat-drop brochures, catalogs, and forms
  • Set water with accompanying essential oils toward the back of the room
After a class, be sure to follow up with guests who placed orders to provide product training and answer questions. 

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